- Air Defense Action Area 防空作战区
- Application and Development of Optoelectronic Countermeasures in Modern Air Defense Action 光电对抗在现代防空作战中的应用与展望
- The squadron was protected by a highly mobile anti-tank and air defense. 这个中队由高度机动的反坦克和防空部队保卫。
- TANGO 4! This is not an action area! Go back now! 这里不是行动区域!现在必须回去!
- Authorized by the State Council and the CMC,the military area commands exercise leadership over civil air defense in their respective regions. 军区根据国务院、中央军委的授权领导本区域的人民防空工作。
- The Air Defense Law of the PRC went into force on January 1,1997. 《中华人民共和国防空法》于1997年1月1日施行。
- Authorized by the State Council and the CMC, the military area commands exercise leadership over civil air defense in their respective regions. 军区根据国务院、中央军委的授权领导本区域的人民防空工作;
- Civil Air Defense Equipment Installation Engineering Co. 人防设备安装工程公司。
- The Air Defense Law of the PRC went into force on January 1, 1997. 《中华人民共和国防空法》于1997年1月1日施行。
- Air Defense Command Mass driver hit by cruise missile! 太空发射轨被巡航导弹击中!
- These air defense works were inherited from the war years. 这些人防工程都是战争年代遗留下来的。
- In the area air defense,how to make full use of the limited firepower units and cover the protected area is a key problem of air defense campaign. 在区域防空中,如何充分发挥已有有限火力单元的作战效能,尽可能地掩护保卫地区,是防空作战研究的一个重要问题。
- Civil air defense evacuation must be carried out in accordance with the order issued by the State. No organization may go into action without such order. 人民防空疏散必须根据国家发布的命令实施,任何组织不得擅自行动。
- The Franco Italian "Horizon" frigate and Royal Navy type 45 frigate will be equipped with various weapon systems for local area air defense and for anti submarine warfare. 其中 ,法国、意大利联合建造的“地平线”护卫舰和英国 4 5型防空护卫舰将装备用于防空和反潜的各种武器系统。
- Set the Start Action area in the Configuration Properties Debugging page to Start external program and enter the file path to the host (in our case, this is Word 2002). 将Configuration Properties Debugging(配置属性调试)页中的Start Action(开始操作)区域设置为Start external program(开始外部程序),并将文件路径输入主机(在我的示例中为Word 2002)。
- The squadron is protected by a highly mobile anti-tank and air defense. 这个中队由高度机动的反坦克和防空部队保卫。
- However, such use may not impair their functions as air defense works. 平时利用人民防空工程,不得影响其防空效能。
- The squadron is protected by a highly mobile anti - tank and air defense. 这个中队由高度机动的反坦克和防空部队保卫。
- Retaining an urban area is a defensive action in which the fundamental objective is to prevent an urban area from falling under the political and/or military control of an adversary. 防卫一个城市地区一种防守行动,其基本原理是防治城市地区因政治或军事因素从而落入地对势力的手中。
- A 10-year Action Programme based on the anticipated work in the identified action areas was drawn up in 1996,having regard to experience gained in an initial pilot action area. 在初步选定的试验行动区取得经验后,当局在一九九六年就鉴定行动区的预期工作定出一个十年行动计划。