- Air Launched Torpedo Attack 空投鱼雷攻击
- These, like Cruisers, can also launch torpedo attacks. 和巡洋舰一样,重巡洋舰可以发动鱼雷攻击。
- Unlike Heavy Cruisers, though, they cannot launch torpedo attacks. 无畏级战列舰不能进行鱼雷攻击。
- Unlike the ships around them, Battleships cannot launch torpedo attacks. 战列舰不能进行鱼雷攻击。
- Once per game, this unit can make a six-dice Bomb attack instead of a torpedo attack during your Air Attack step. 每一次比赛,在你空袭的那一轮,这个单位可以用六个骰子的炸弹而不是鱼雷进行攻击。
- Remark: Bulge can protect your ship under the torpedo attack. 注:船腹是防御各种鱼雷的攻击。
- Air Launched Cruise Missiles (ALCM) will no longer engage moving targets. 空中发射的巡航导弹将不会攻击移动目标.
- Torpedo Attack: This represents a more modern means of reducing your enemy's strength factor, causing high damage. 鱼雷攻击:这是打击敌人的更现代的方法,造成较高的损伤。
- Pegasus is the first air launched solid rocket in America, which is used to place small satellites into low earth orbit. 飞马座火箭是美国第1种机载空中发射型固体运载火箭,主要用于将小型卫星送入近地轨道。
- Mouse control aiming, press and hold the left mouse button shooting, the space bar to torpedo attack the enemy ship below. 鼠标控制瞄准,按住鼠标左键射击,空格键投鱼雷攻击下面的敌舰。
- Besides, the carrier is also the heart of the carrier task force, and requires powerful support from other ships against bomb and torpedo attack. 另外,航母还是航母特混舰队的心脏,要求其他舰只给予强有力的支援,以防遭炸弹和鱼雷攻击。
- Torpedo Boats: These give their squadrons a torpedo attack bonus of two, on top of morale, organization and detection bonuses. 鱼雷艇:带来两点鱼雷攻击加成,以及士气、组织性和侦查加成。
- Indeed, their strength in combat is low compared to Battleships and especially to Dreadnoughts.Their one advantage is their torpedo attack strength. 实际上,它们的战斗力低于战列舰特别是无畏级战列舰。
- I would also like to point out the Battle of Samar as an interesting case study of daylight destroyer torpedo attack disrupting cruiser and even battleship battle formations. (同时我也要喜欢引用萨玛岛海战中,驱逐舰在白昼以鱼雷攻击、扰乱巡洋舰乃至于战斗舰的队形的案例。
- Game, players move the mouse, can be controlled below the fort, press Left can launch torpedoes, The aim is to the river spotted flying fish bombing. 游戏中,玩家移动鼠标,可以控制下方的炮台,按下左键可以发射鱼雷,目的是将在河水中出没的各种鱼类炸飞。
- Air Launched Anti-Ballistic Missile 空中发射的反弹道导弹
- Destroyers: These give a hefty gun attack detection bonus, along with substantial morale and organization bonuses. They also give a slight advantage in gin attack, speed, and torpedo attack. 驱逐舰:给与有力的炮火支持,并士气和组织度的奖励。
- Air Launched Ballistic Interceptor 空中发射的弹道拦截器
- In this paper,on the foundation of analyzing the torpedo s effective attack position area,a point of view is presented,which maybe there exists an advantaged torpedo attack position area. 在潜艇与水面舰艇进行鱼雷对抗过程中,都会使用鱼雷攻击对方,并且都希望占领有利射击阵位发射鱼雷,以达到己方舰艇能使用鱼雷攻击敌方舰艇而敌方舰艇却不能使用鱼雷攻击已方舰艇的目的。
- Air Launched Intercept Missile Record System 空中发射拦截导弹记录系统