- Air Surveillance Radar Team 对空监视雷达组
- Long range air surveillance radar; 远距离空中监视雷达;
- Design Consideration of Air Surveillance Radar's Coverage 对空情报雷达探测威力的设计论证
- The Optimum Frequency Selection for Air Surveillance Radar 对空情报雷达的频率优选
- Analysis of Measurement Accuracy of Air Surveillance Radar 对空情报雷达的测量精度分析
- Research on Functional Simulation about Air Surveillance Radar's Detection 对空警戒雷达功能仿真研究
- Some Problems in the Flight Test for Air Surveillance Radar's Coverage Evaluation 对空监视雷达探测威力检飞的几个问题
- Surveillance Radar Team 监视雷达小组
- The surveillance radar is unserviceable. 监视雷达不工作。
- air surveillance radar 对空监视雷达
- Air Surveillance Radar System 对空监视雷达系统
- The radar system provides 3-D long-range air surveillance for fixed, ground-based and shipboard uses. 该雷达系统提供3-D远程空中监视,用于固定、地基和舰船雷达。
- Secondary Surveillance radar (SSR) is a key equipment in Air Traffic Control (ATC) and military Identification Friend or Foe (IFF). Since very high reliability and stability is required in these two areas, SSR is a hot issue in Radar signal processing. 二次雷达(Secondary Surveillance Radar)是民航空中管制(Air Traffic Control)和军事敌我识别(Identification Friend or Foe)系统中的关键部分,由于这两个应用领域都要求很高的可靠性和稳定性,因此,二次雷达一直是国内外雷达信号处理领域的研究热点。
- Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) on the ground picks up the data and displays it on the ATC radar screen. 地面的二次监视雷达接受到数据并把数据在空管雷达屏幕上显示出来。
- The paper describes a kind of method used for evaluating quantitatively ECCM capability of air-defence surveillance radar, based on analyzing some methods in this field. 在分析实现雷达抗干扰性能几种评估方法的基础上,介绍了一种定量评估雷达抗干扰性能的方法。
- A new method of transmit pattern synthesis for Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) is presented.This method is concerned with an active phasedarray antenna. 该文介绍航管二次雷达(SSR)发射天线方向图综合的新方法,这种方法以有源相控阵天线为基础。
- Air Surveillance and Targeting Radar L-Band L段空中监视目标导向雷达
- SARSR Air route surveillance radar 航路监视雷达
- air traffic control secondary surveillance radar 航管二次监视雷达
- Telemetry and telecontrol systems for satellites,satellite borne payloads,solid-state remote surveillance radar,integrated electronic war systems,etc. have approached or reached the internationally advanced level. 在卫星遥测遥控系统、星载有效负荷、固态远程警戒雷达、综合电子战系统等领域接近或达到国际先进水平。