- Aircraft Technical Committee 飞机技术委员会
- Technical Committee on Data Exchange. 以及一个数据交流技术委员会。
- Maintaining and updating of aircraft technical documentations. 填写维修记录。
- Control System Society Technical Committee on Intelligent Control. 控制系统分学会智能控制技术委员会。
- The signed entry in the aircraft technical log was therefore wrong and invalid. 因此,飞机维修记录本上的签署是错误且无效的。
- The CCC Secretariat shall act as the secretariat to the Technical Committee. ccc秘书处应担任委员会的秘书处。
- A largely unknown aspect of McDonnell Aircraft technical developments is its substantial experience with helicopter programs. 基本上未知方面麦克唐奈飞机技术的发展是其丰富的经验与直升机项目。
- The Technical Committee shall elect its own Chairman and shall establish its own procedures. 技术委员会应选举自己的主席,并制定其工作程序。
- Each Member may nominate one delegate and one or more alternates to be its representatives on the Technical Committee. 每一成员可指定一名代表和一名或多名副代表作为其在技术委员会的代表。
- The Committee may request the Technical Committee to refine or elaborate its work and/or to develop new approaches. 委员会可要求技术委员会改进或细化其工作和/或开发新的方法。
- The Technical Committee shall carry out the technical work called for in Part IV and prescribed in annex I. 技术委员会应承担本协定第四部分要求的和附件1规定的技术工作。
- From this definition, the WTBA Technical Committee produced the multiple condition concept. 基于此项定义,WTBA的技术委员会终于孕育了长短油赛道旳观念。
- APOL Technical Committee meeting had been held on May 9, 2009 in Chaoyang China. 亚洲与太平洋地区红土镍矿合作组织(APOL)技术专业委员会会议于2009年5月9日在中国朝阳举行。
- In addition, SHMT also acts as Zhejiang Technical Committee Secretariat of medical device. 同时,浙江省医疗器械专业标准化技术委员会也设立在SHMT 内。
- The judges of the World Cup will be invited after consultation between the Organizing Committee and the IWUF Technical Committee. 裁判员由组委会商国际武联技委会选派。
- Since its establishment in June 2006, Shanghai SR Aircraft Technics (SRT) has signed several aircraft maintenance contracts with Air New Zealand and Asiana Airlines successively. 上海外航瑞科飞机技术服务有限公司自2006年6月成立以来,先后与新西兰航空公司和韩亚航空公司签订了航线维修业务合同。
- The mandate of a Chairman or Vice-Chairman who no longer represents a member of the Technical Committee shall terminate automatically. 不再代表技术委员会一成员的主席或副主席的授权应自行终止。
- The company has been identified as a new and high-tech enterprise by The Scientific and Technical Committee of Nanjing Municipality since 1999. 1999年至今被南京市科学技术委员会认定为高新技术企业。
- They are the competition committee, the technical committee, the reception committee, the marketing and media committee etc. 有竞赛委员会、技术委员会、接待委员会、市场和新闻媒介委员会等。
- Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems - The Int rnational Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED). 举行。会议主办单位为人工智慧与专家系统科技委员会(国际科学与科技发展组织)