- VIP and EGF inhibited the adhesion of EOS to BEC in the inflammatory process to lighten the airway inflammation. VIP、EGF抑制BEC与EOS的黏附,对气道炎症起负性调节作用,有利于减轻局部的损伤。
- Objective To examine the effect of PPD on airway inflammation induced by OVA sensitization. 目的 探索结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物 (purifiedproteinderivative ,PPD)对豚鼠实验性哮喘气道炎症的作用。
- The airway inflammation of lung tissue was observed by hematoxylin and eosin(HE) staining. 行苏木精-伊红(HE)染色,观察肺组织炎症改变;
- Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide is shown to correlate with airway inflammation for identifying asthma. 测量表明:呼出的氧化亚氮与确诊为哮喘的呼吸道炎症相关。
- Objective To observe picroside II effects on airway inflammation and bronchial contraction in a rat asthmatic model. 目的 观察胡黄连苷II对哮喘大鼠气道炎症和支气管收缩反应的影响。
- Objective: To discuss the effects of Jiangxinxia powder on airway inflammation on the asthmatic rats. 摘要目的:探讨姜辛夏冲剂对哮喘大鼠模型气道炎症的影响。
- Objective To explore the effect of glycyrrhizin on airway inflammation and PLA2 activity in the mice asthmatic model. 目的观察甘草酸对哮喘小鼠气道炎症及磷脂酶A2活性的影响。
- AIM: To explore the relationship among serum and induced sputum eosinophil cationic protein( ECP), asthmatic airway inflammation and the severity of asthma. 目的:探讨血清、导痰嗜酸粒细胞阳离子蛋白(ECP)哮喘气道炎症及哮喘严重程度的关系。
- AIM: To study the effect of signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6) on airway inflammation of rats with asthma. 目的:探讨信号转导子和转录激活子6(STAT6)及其mRNA在哮喘大鼠气道炎症中的作用。
- BCG can inhibit the expression of GATA-3 in lung of asthmatic mouse,which resulted in TH2 cytokine decrease and relief of airway inflammation. BCG能抑制哮喘小鼠肺组织GATA-3的表达,导致IL-4等TH2型细胞因子的减少,从而减轻呼吸道的炎症反应。
- The levels of IL-6 in EBC are associated with the severity of OSAHS and may prove to be useful in monitoring of airway inflammation in OSAHS. 结论EBC中IL6水平的高低与病情严重程度有关,故可作为OSAHS气道炎症反应的一项重要监测指标。
- ObjectiveAsthma is one of the most common diseases and is characterized by airway obstruction, airway inflammation and increased airway responsiveness. 前言哮喘是一种以气道阻力、气道炎症和气道高反应性为特征的常见病。
- Previous studies have shown inhaled corticosteroids reduce markers of inflammation such as C-reactive protein and reduce airway inflammation. 以前研究表明吸入糖皮质激素减少炎症反应标记物(如C反应蛋白)和降低气道炎症反应。
- Preious studies hae shown inhaled corticosteroids reduce markers of inflammation such as C-reactie protein and reduce airway inflammation. 以前研究表明吸入糖皮质激素减少炎症反应标记物(如C反应蛋白)和降低气道炎症反应。
- Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by reversible airway obstruction, airway hyperresponsiveness, and airway inflammation. 摘要气喘是一种慢性的炎症疾病,其特徵包含可逆性气道阻塞、气道过度反应与气道发炎。
- Vitamin A has beneficial effects on airway inflammation, autonomic neural receptors, and immune functions in patients with asthma. 维生素A维护上皮细胞和抗氧化的功能也共同参与了调节哮喘发病的过程。
- Mucus hypersecretion in airway is the common pathophyisolo gi cal characteristic of many chronic airway inflammation diseases. 目的:介绍慢性炎症气道粘液高分泌的治疗进展。
- Ambroxol can alleviate the airway inflammation and suppress GCH in chronic asthmatic rats. Ambroxol is valuable in the prophylaxis and treatment of asthma. 盐酸氨溴索可抑制哮喘大鼠气道GCH ,改善哮喘气道炎症 ,对哮喘的防治有一定作用
- The predominant pathological characteristics of the chronic airway inflammation are airway inflammation, airway remodeling, mucous hypersecretion and so on. 慢性气道炎症性疾病以气道炎症反应、气道重塑、黏液高分泌等为主要病理特征。
- It is commonly accepted that airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) is a chronic airway inflammation although the exact mechanism of its pathogenesis is still unclear. 摘要气道高反应的发病机制目前仍然不清楚,但大多数人认同是气道的一种慢性炎症。