- Al alloy and Mg alloy are the most widely used light alloys, so it is very significant to apply EPM to preparation and process of this kind of material. 铝镁类轻合金是世界上使用最多的轻质合金,将材料电磁工艺用于此类材料的制备和加工过程中有着重要的意义,围绕电磁场对铝镁合金组织性能影响规律的研究是充分利用好这一工艺的关键。
- Al alloys and Mg alloys 铝镁合金
- Research, development, and application for RE-containing Al alloys and RE-containing Mg alloys is reviewed with the emphasis on the effect of RE elements on melting, processing, and alloying of alloys. 综述了含稀土铝合金和稀土镁合金的研究、发展和应用现状,著重介绍了稀土对铝镁合金冶炼、工艺和合金化的影响。
- This paper discussed the idea of the gas atomization Mg and Mg - Al alloy powder by supersonics high ptire N2 gas. 介绍了用超音速高纯氮气流来生产气雾化镁和镁铝合金粉的设想。
- Recycling of magnesium alloys scrap was thought as to be important to the comprehensive application of Mg alloys and the continuous development of Mg industry. 镁合金废料回收对于镁合金的规模应用和镁工业的可持续发展具有非常重要的理论意义和实际价值。
- The friction and wear properties of 2 kinds of high strength Zn Al alloys and 3 kinds of Cu alloys are demonstrated. Under different lood and rotative velocity, the friction factor and abrasion wear of the alloys and their coupling samples are given. 采用MM200磨损试验机,测定和对比了铸造锌铝合金(ZZnAl27Cu2A和ZZnAl27Cu2D)和工业上常用铜合金(ZCuSn6Zn6Pb3,ZCuA110Fe3和ZCuZn33Mn2Pb2)的摩擦磨损特性。
- Age Forming of Al Alloys and Ageformable Al Alloys 铝合金时效成形及时效成形铝合金
- Extrusion deformation can fine the grain of Mg alloy and increase its properties remarkably. 挤压变形可显著地细化镁合金晶粒并提高镁合金的力学性能。
- The production technology for Mg and Mg alloy powders are:grinding milling,atomisation,melting and recycling,turning and chipping. 由于镁及镁合金的独特性能,其粉末及粉粒通常用球磨法、铣削法、雾化法生产,特别是铣削法用得最多。
- Surface Ceramics on Al and Mg Alloy with Micro-Arc Oxidation 微弧氧化铝、镁等合金材料表面陶瓷化处理
- It was found that extrusion deformation can fine the grain of Mg alloy and increase its properties remarkably, but the damping capacity decreaseed severely after extrusion. 结果表明:挤压变形可以显著地细化镁合金晶粒,挤压后合金的力学性能提升很大但是阻尼性能急剧降低;
- This type of material includes Al alloy and Al-based composite, and recently the HSRS of Mg_based composite and Ti alloy is investigated. 高应变速率超塑材料主要是铝基复合材料及铝合金,最近,对镁基复合材料、钛合金高应变速率超塑性能的研究也已开始。
- Through the testing on adhesive strength it is found that in suitable process laserrcmelting can increase the adhesive strength between Al alloy and Ni-Cr coat. 通过涂层结合强度测试,发现在一定条件下,激光重熔可以增加铝合金和涂层间的结合强度。
- The high-temperature plasma entered through the breach and melted the supporting materials such as Al alloy and Fe,Ni base alloy, which result in the space shuttle Colum... 对于航空、航天与核动力领域中广泛采用的通用关键材料,应该加强其制备工艺的研究,特别是可视化铸造技术的研究。
- The Green Assemblage and Thrift Casting of Al and Mg Alloy Casting Production 铝、镁合金铸件的绿色化、集约化生产
- Brazing of copper, copper alloys and steel etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、钢等。
- Through the calculation of extrusion process paraments the range of metal cladding in this machine is:Al, Al alloy, copper, brass, Al bronze, Al-Zn alloy and other non-ferrous metals. 3.通过挤压力能参数的计算,确定本机可挤压包覆的材料范围为:纯铝,铝合金,紫铜,黄铜,铝青铜,锌铝合金等有色金属。
- Adding a kind of inorganic complex corrosion inhibitor to anti-frecze fluid of calcium chloride and its anticorrosive ability to Cu,Al alloy and cast iron etc. common used metals are tested. 在氯化钙防冻液中添加一种无机复合缓蚀剂,考察其对铜、铝合金、铸铁等常用金属的防腐蚀性能。
- Soldering of copper, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet. 铜及铜合金、镀锌铁皮的钎焊。
- Scandium-modified Al alloys are a new kind of high performance alloys. 钪改性的铝合金是一类高性能新型铝合金。