- Al foam matrix composites 泡沫铝基复合材料
- Whisker reinforced metal matrix composites. 晶须增强金属基复合材料。
- Fabrication and processing of metal matrix composites. 金属基复合材料制备加工。
- Ceramic whisker reinforced ceramic matrix composites. 将陶瓷晶须弥散在陶瓷基体内,起增强改善材料性能的复合材料。
- It is suggested that the pressure for solidification mostly affected the early and last dimension of the air holes, and the last dimension of the air hole played an important role for the UTS of the mullite short fibre reinforced Al matrix composites. 结果表明, 气孔类残余孔洞初始尺寸和最终尺寸与保压压强有关, 并显著影响莫来石短纤维增强铝基复合材料的拉伸强度。
- In situ titanium alloy matrix composites were fabricated by melting casting. 用熔铸法制备了原位自生钛合金基复合材料。
- SiC particle reinforced Al matrix composites SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料
- aluminum metal matrix composites(Al MMCs) Al基复合材料
- Weldability of particles reinforced aluminum metal matrix composite (Al MMCs) is analyzed from the point of view of chemical and physical allowability. 从化学和物理相容性角度综合分析了颗粒增强铝基复合材料的焊接性,阐述了熔化焊、钎焊、固相连接等对铝基复合材料的适应性。
- Assessing metal matrix composites for corrosion and erosion-corrosion applications in the oil sands industry. 油砂工业中金属基质复合物的腐蚀和冲蚀情况的评估。
- Alumina or aluminosilicate fibers reinforced Al Si alloy matrix composite have more excellent synthetical properties at elevated temperature than the matrix alloys. 氧化铝或硅酸铝短纤维增强铝基复合材料比基体材料有更优异的高温综合性能。
- The aluminum matrix composites with TiB2 reinforcement are manufactured by squeeze-cast method. 采用挤压铸造方法制备了TiB2增强铝基复合材料。
- A partially reinforced Al Si alloy matrix composite piston produced by squeeze casting technique has a firm interface between reinforced and unreinforced... 挤压铸造工艺生产的局部增强铝基复合材料活塞,界面结合可靠、成品率高、工艺兼容性好,作为新型活塞材料,已在我国发动机行业应用并达到批量生产。
- The surface of the steel matrix composites reinforced by Al-C-Ti system has more FeAl phase. Al-C-Ti体系钢基表面复合材料表面FeAl含量较高。
- To improve the surface quality of Al matrix composite billet,the experiment on soft-contact electromagnetic continuous casting was carried out through EMC slotted mould. 为改善铝基复合材料铸坯的表面质量,采用割缝式结晶器并在初始凝固区域分别施加等幅高频磁场和调幅磁场进行软接触电磁连铸实验。
- The ECI is feasible to prepare rapidly fiber-reinforced metal matrix composites at room temperature. 证实了ECI在室温下快速制备纤维增强金属基复合材料的可行性。
- PTFE matrix composites were fabricated using mixing nano sized powder process and vaporizing impregnant process. 采用溶剂蒸发法和固体纳米粉末混合法制备两种工艺制备了PTFE复合材料。
- They are also ideal for microfinishing abrasive films, and for use in metal, ceramic and resin matrix composites. 产品稳定供应美国、欧洲、日本、韩国及中国等国家的大型企业。
- For magnesium matrix composites,coarse oxidic film andself generation vaccum (SGV)effect lead to perfect infiltration. 对镁基复合材料来说,疏松的氧化膜及由此产生的自真空效应使得浸渗完善。
- All Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) were fabricated at high temperature near the melting point of matrix alloys. 金属基复合材料都要在基体合金熔点附近的高温下制备。