- Alagoas Curassown. 阿拉戈盔嘴雉
- But our boss started to talk, curassow also has upgrade of toughen one's scalp-brace oneself to rush only. 但是俺们老板都开口了,大鸟也只有硬着头皮往上冲。
- Recently, the panelist of American country academy of sciences made public the more to this kind of curassow to study a result. 近期,老美国家科技院的学者小组亮相了对此类大鸟的更加多探讨结果。
- Mom is carrying skirt to place go by gently, her head follows the child's head and be together, on the meadow that looks attentively at in the child, be a curassow is umbriferous. 妈妈提着裙摆轻轻走过去,她的脑袋跟孩子的脑袋并在一起,在孩子注视的草地上,是一只大鸟的投影。
- Connect the union parade guards at that time " curassow " Byrd and " charmer " Johnson also cannot avoid custom, act as in succession the brand spokesman that removed Kuang Wei. 就连当时的联盟标兵“大鸟”伯德与“魔术师”约翰逊也不能免俗,纷纷地充当起了匡威的品牌代言人。
- The most famous of them was the Quilombo dos Palmares, in Alagoas, led by a runaway slave called Zumbi, who became a symbol of resistance for defending it against attacks from colonial forces. 他们当中有大部分来自于安哥拉与莫三比克,再来是非洲的葡萄牙殖民地,以及东北方蔗园的强制性劳工。
- Classics year there is one to pull on the sand bank that does not cease smooth 78 sprinkler, sprinkler double arm is extended continuously, resemble volant the curassow that is about to fly. 经年不息的沙子河岸上有一拉溜七八架水车,水车双臂直伸,像展翅欲飞的大鸟。
- Vesicular stomatitis Alagoas virus disease 水泡性口炎阿拉戈斯病毒病
- "The critically endangered razor-Billed curassow (C. mitu), of the Amazon" 亚马逊的刀嘴凤冠雉(C.;mitu)是濒危种类。
- Alagoas virus 阿拉戈斯病毒
- Alagoas 阿拉戈斯(巴西州名)
- Alagoas Antwrenn. 阿拉蚁鹩
- Alagoas cotton 阿拉戈斯棉
- Alagoa 阿拉戈阿
- Black Curassown. 黑凤冠雉
- Nocturnal Curassown. 夜冠雉
- Red-billed Curassown. 红嘴凤冠雉
- Horned Curassown. 单盔凤冠雉
- Salvin's Curassown. 刀嘴凤冠雉
- Helmeted Curassown. 盔凤冠雉