- Albizia simeonisn. 滇合欢
- Technology of Breeding Seedling and Planting Albizia julibrissin Durazz. 合欢育苗及栽植技术。
- Title: Technology of Breeding Seedling and Planting Albizia julibrissin Durazz. 关键词:合欢;育苗技术;栽植方法;管护要求
- This paper dealt with the comparative study on cold resistance of 23provenance of Albizia falcata. 植物的抗寒性是指植物在对低温寒冷环境的长期适应过程中通过本身的遗传变异和自然选择获得的一种抗寒能力。
- The Silktree Albizia Bark as one kinds of Chinese herbal medicine are paid close attention by persons because of its special function and low price. 合欢皮作为中草药添加剂的应用前景已越来越被人们所重视。
- Description: Caterpillars feed on Albizia lebbek. Wingspan ranges from 60 to 70mm. They occur from January to September. 形容:幼虫食用大叶合欢;展翅约60至70毫米;一月至九月可见.
- Description: Caterpillars feed on Abarema clypearia and Albizia corniculata. Wingspan ranges from 35 to 50mm. They occur from March to December. 形容:幼虫食用天香藤和猴耳环;展翅约35至50毫米;三月至十二月可见.
- Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. 含羞草
- These results suggest that Albizia julibrissin alleviates the growth inhibition caused by stress, and regulates the levels of monoamine neurotransmitters of the brain in stressed rats. 这表明合欢花对慢性应激引起的大鼠生长受抑有缓解作用,对其脑内单胺类神经递质有调节作用。
- The rats in both the stressed and treated groups were stressed for seven days, and the rats in the treated group were fed with Albizia julibrissin by gavage administration for 10 days after stress. 应激组和合欢花组均接受7天的应激刺激,之后合欢花组再灌胃合欢花10天。
- A pair of disaster eoisomeric saponins with nine sugar moieties were isolated form the stem barks of Albizia julibrissin.Their were identified based on chemical and spectroscopic methods. 摘要从合欢皮95%25乙醇提取物中用溶剂和色谱法分离得到一对非对映异构体九糖皂苷(1,2),经化学与光谱方法鉴定其结构。
- Based on the situation of the introduction of Albizia saman in the Nansha area and its performance in recent years, this paper studies the growth of its adaptability in Nansha systematically. 摘要针对雨树在南沙地区的引种栽植及其6年中生长发育情况表现,对其在南沙的生长适应性进行了比较系统的研究。
- any of numerous trees of the genus Albizia. 合欢属的任何一种树。
- Study on the Die Back of Albizia chinensis 楹树枝枯病病原菌的研究
- The leaf of Albizia julibrissin Durazz 合欢叶
- silktree albizia immature flower 合欢花
- Keywords Albizia julibrissin /isol;Saponins;Molecular structure; 合欢皮/分离和提纯;皂苷类;分子结构;
- Michael A. Simeoni, Barry D. Batts, and Christopher McRae Department of Chemistry, Division of 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- Effect of microbial inoculants on Albizia saman germination and seedling growth 有效微生物群对雨豆树发芽率和苗木生长的影响