- Everyday Use″ is Alice Walker's most popular short story. 日常用品”是美国黑人女作家艾丽丝·克最著名的短篇小说之一。
- Alice Walker is one of the most influential contemporary American writers. 艾丽丝·沃克是当代美国文坛最有影响的作家之一,她所倡导的妇女主义思想,不仅代表了她的哲学立场,也促成了她具有特色的妇女主义文学创作艺术的形成。
- The black writer Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple takes the important place in the history of women literatures. 在女性文学史上,黑人作家爱丽斯·克创作的长篇小说《紫色》具有重要地位。
- Alice Walker is an outstanding Afro-American woman writer who is called the defender of the black race and black women. 艾丽斯·沃克(1944-)是当代美国文坛杰出的黑人女作家,被称为黑人种族和黑人妇女的辩护人。
- Alice Walker is one of the most important and prominent contemporary black American woman writers. 艾丽丝·沃克是当代美国最重要的、最著名的黑人妇女作家之一。
- The Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1983 changed the situation squarely and permanently, which entitled Alice Walker "the first black female" winner. 1983年,艾丽斯·沃克的《紫色》获得普利策小说奖,她由此成为第一位获得普利策小说奖的黑人女作家。
- Unquestionably Alice Walker is one of the most remarkable and influential Afro-American writers in contemporary American literary canon. 在美国当代黑人女作家中,艾丽丝·沃克毫无疑问是最有影响的人物之一。
- As an outstanding Afro-American woman writer,Alice Walker (1944--) is alwaysinterested in the identity problem of black women. 黑人女性身份问题一直是美国著名黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克关注的焦点。 几乎她的每一部作品都浸润着她对这一问题的探索和思考。
- In the preface to In Search of Our Mothers'Gardens (1983), Alice Walker coined the word Womanist for a black feminist or feminist of color. 在《寻找母亲的花园》(1983)的扉页上,艾丽斯·沃克为黑人女性主义者及有色人种女性主义者创造了妇女主义一词。
- However, Alice Walker has never ceased seeking for a higher consciousness, which made her develop her ideas continuously. 然而,沃克从未停止对更高的精神境界的追求,这使她不断发展她的思想。
- Meridian is the second novel of Alice Walker, who is one of the most important black women writers in the contemporary American literature. 《梅里迪安》是美国黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克的第二部小说。
- Alice Walker, one of the most contemporary influential black woman writer honors Hurston as "A Genius of the South" and her "literary foremother". 当代美国著名黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克赞誉赫斯顿为“南方天才”和她的“文学之母”。
- American contemporary woman writer, Alice Walker, has employed two totally different languages in her epistolary novel The Color Purple . 美国当代黑人女作家艾丽丝·沃克的长篇书信体小说《紫色》运用了两种截然不同的语言。
- From the very beginning of her writing, Alice Walker, the famous black American woman writer, has been the spokesman for the voiceless, especially for the black women. 美国著名黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克从她的写作伊始就开始为无声者呐喊,她尤其关注黑人女性的命运。
- The thesis gets the conclusion that Alice Walker constructs the theme of The Color Purple from multiple aspects, highlighting the abundant connotations of the theme. 本文认为艾丽斯·沃克从多个方面实现了小说主题的构建,突出了小说主题丰富的内涵。
- The Color Purple, one of the maturest and the most representative works of Alice Walker, probes into the thought and life of modern Afro-American women with a new visual angle, original conception and special writing skill. 《紫色》是美国黑人女作家爱丽丝·沃克比较成熟的一部代表作,它以全新的视角、新颖的构思和独特的手法对美国现代黑人女性的思想和生活进行了深入细致的探讨。
- Alice Walker, a talented and distinguishable contemporary African-American writer, always creates strong women characters in her works that focus on their struggle towards self-realization. 艾丽丝·沃克是当代美国一位才华出众的黑人女作家,她的作品主要刻画刚烈的黑人女性形象,着重描写她们实现自我的奋斗历程。
- Divided into two chapters, the thesis mainly expounds the consciousness of race and sexual distinction in The Color Purple, written by famous Afro-American woman writer Alice Walker. 本文主要论述非洲裔美国黑人女作家艾丽丝·沃克(Alice Walker)的小说《紫颜色》(The Color Purple)中的种族与性别意识,共分为两章。
- The Pattern of Change in Alice Walker's Heroines 论艾丽斯·沃克笔下女主人公形象的演变
- ALICE WALKER In Search of Our Mothers'Gardens 寻找母亲的花园