- Alina Astafei 阿斯塔菲
- Alina is as good-tempered as her mother. 艾琳娜和她妈妈的性格一样好。
- Helping out the hair dresser.Maddy dancing with Alina. 未经许可,不得擅自使用。
- Her role will be taken over by a female donkey named Alina. 牠的角色将由名为艾琳娜的母驴接替。
- Alina (Open (the) door quickly;to Alexander):Come in, quickly. 艾琳娜(迅速开门,对亚历山大说):快进来。
- Alina Alexandra Dumitru of Romania defeated Yanet Bermoy of Cuba with an ippon to win gold in Judo Women's -48kg. 罗马尼亚选手阿林娜以“一本”击败古巴的亚妮特-贝尔莫伊,获得女子柔道48公斤级的冠军。
- Alina made her comeback at an Italy-Russia friendly competition in Genoa, 10 September, 2005. 艾琳娜在2005年10月于热那亚举行的意大利-俄罗斯游戏赛中复出。
- But this season, Alina Si also wants to sit one month-long at least the backless stool. 而本赛季,阿里纳斯至少还要坐一个月的板凳。
- Once Alina Si resurfaces, he the chemical reaction which will gather with great difficulty the team all will abolish. 一旦阿里纳斯复出,他会将球队好不容易聚集的化学反应全都废除。
- Ninth-seed Nicole Vaidisova received quite a test against her second-round opponent Alina Jidkova Thursday morning. 9号种子瓦娃在星期四早上第二轮比赛和基德科娃得到很好的测试。
- In 1999 Alina became European Champion for the second consecutive time and stole the World title in Osaka, Japan. 1999年她卫冕欧洲冠军,并在日本大阪赢得世界冠军。
- My name is Alina Rodica Dima. I graduated in bachelor of Biology Faculty. She is accomplished in French. She likes computers, music, reading, travels. 阿琳娜来自欧洲,毕业于生物专业。获学士学位。并精通法语。她的业余爱好是计算机、音乐、阅读及旅游。
- Alina Knowles, a witness who said she rescued a child from one of the scenes of the violence, said McLendon was sweet and police. 一个目击者阿里娜诺勒斯说她从暴力犯罪中救了一个孩子,她说麦克兰登很友好很有正义感。
- Alina N M, Bogdan C, Moneef G.Parallel watershed transformation algorithms for image segmentation[J].Parallel Computing, 1998, 24: 1981-2001. 马东曹培杰.;分割重叠细胞核的方法及比较研究[J]
- Alina dropped her hoop and ran to retrieve it outside the competition area.She took home the bronze with the final score of 39.466. 艾琳娜把她的圈扔出后在场地外面才接到,最后以39.;466分取得了铜牌。
- For Alina, it ended with three days of beatings, during which her hair and her thighs were cut - for allegedly hiding money from the pimps. 阿琳娜痛苦的结束是在最后三天的暴打中度过的。皮条客声称她私藏老板的钱,她的头发被剪掉,大腿被割伤。
- Washington: Alina Si Du sits in the season majority of time in backless stool's situation, on them the season has obtained the success which 43 win. 华盛顿:在赛季大部分时间里阿里纳斯都坐在板凳上的情况下,他们上赛季获得了43胜的战绩。
- Alina is Russia's most successful rhythmic gymnast to date, and is also one of the most decorated gymnasts in the history of rhythmic gymnastics. 艾琳娜是俄罗斯迄今为止最成功的艺术体操运动员,也是艺术体操史上最美的运动员之一。