- C0.6M0.4ZP coating has good alkali corrosion resistance property and can greatly improve the high temperature alkali corrosion resistance of the cordierite. C0.;6M0
- Summary of Research and Development on Alkali Corrosion Resistant Alloy Cast Iron Containing Rare Earths 耐碱蚀稀土合金铸铁研究与发展概述
- Keywords aluminium foil for air conditioner;degreaser;alkali corrosion resistance;salt-water corrosion resistance; 空调铝箔;脱脂剂;耐碱性;耐盐蚀性;
- Acid & alkali resistant and corrosion resistant coatings. 耐酸硷、重防蚀涂料。
- Corrosion resisting non-pollution,lower noise,long service life. 耐腐蚀、无污染、运转稳定、噪音低、寿命长。
- Superior corrosion resistance, no corrosion in acids,alkali and aqua regia. 具有优异的耐蚀性;各种酸;碱甚至王水都很难侵蚀它.
- Furthermore, Nickel coating possesses anticorrosive properties especially alkali corrosion property. 此外,镍镀层具有良好的耐腐蚀性特别是耐碱性佳。
- LATICPAVE Resurfacer is synthesized with the advanced technology of latex,composed of special functional base in molecule chain against the alkali corrosion from the cement. 水泥基础球场最好使用丙烯酸底涂。LATICPAVE底涂采用先进的技术合成的树脂;其含有特殊官能基能后交联成膜。此性质赋予了LATICPAVE底涂机械稳定性,因而在水泥基础上仍有很好的粘结性;
- Excellent oil and corrosion resistance. 耐油、耐腐蚀性优良。
- Bolts and nuts are plated for corrosion resistance. 螺栓和螺母经过电镀防腐蚀处理。
- Aerospace series. Eye-ends, in corrosion resisting steel swaged on type, control cable. Dimensions and loads. 操纵钢索锻制型耐腐蚀钢制带孔端头。尺寸和负载。
- Aerospace series. Fork-ends, in corrosion resisting steel swaged on type, control cable. Dimensions and loads. 操纵钢索锻制型耐腐蚀钢制叉形头。尺寸和负载。
- Aerospace series. Fork-ends, threaded, control cable in corrosion resisting steel. Dimensions and loads. 耐蚀钢制操纵钢缆螺纹叉头。尺寸和负荷。
- Acid, alkali and heating treatment corrosion resistances of zeolite, kaoline and sepiolite are better, while the montmorillonite’s are worse. 蒙脱石类粘土矿物耐酸、碱及热稳定性较差。
- Acid,alkali and heating treatment corrosion resistances of zeolite,kaoline and sepiolite are better,while the montmoril... 蒙脱石类粘土矿物耐酸、碱及热稳定性较差。
- Bearings, airframe rolling, rigid single row ball bearings, in corrosion resisting steel, diameter series 0 and 2, dimensions and loads. 轴承。机体用轴承。耐蚀钢制固定单列自位滚珠轴承。直径系列0和2.;尺寸和负荷。
- The explosion-proof limit switch holds not only good explosion-proof property but also water-proof, dust and corrosion resisting etc. Advantages. 防爆限位开关不但有良好的防爆性能,并且有防水,防尘和。
- Aerospace series. Fork-ends, for rolling bearings in corrosion resisting steel swaged on type, control cable. Dimensions and loads. 航空航天系列。操纵钢索锻制型耐腐蚀钢制滚动轴承的叉形头。尺寸和负载。
- PTFE fiber has good corrosion resistance, low friction factor, nonflame, strong acid and strong alkali resistance, high temperature and low temperature resistance. PTFE纤维具有优良的耐腐蚀性,低摩擦因数,不燃,能耐强酸、强碱、强氧化剂等强腐蚀性试剂或溶剂,耐高、低温性能优良。
- Aerospace series. Fork-ends, threaded, control cable for rolling bearings in corrosion resisting steel. Dimensions and loads. 耐蚀钢制滚动轴承用操纵钢缆带螺纹叉头。尺寸和负荷。