- All Accident Notice Offices 所有事故通知办公室
- The accident notice the local entomologist, Daniel Lang and the writer, Sandra Kern attention. 这件离奇车祸引起了当地的昆虫学家丹尼岭及作家桑德拉的注意。
- All accidents can be controlled and avoided. 一切事故都是可以控制和避免的。
- All accidents must be reported to the police. 所有的意外事故都要报告警方。
- I'm covered against all accidents. 我已保了事故险。
- All Accident Emergency Departments could be reached by bus, taxi, private car or ambulance. 所有急症室均可乘巴士、的士、私家车或救护车直达。
- The manager of engineering and maintenance dept. and QA manager must sign all accident reports. 工程和维护部的经理和QA经理必须对所有的事故报告签字.
- All blame for the accident must attach to myself. 事故的一切责任应由本人承担。
- This news made us all sit up and take notice. 这消息立即引起我们大家的注意。
- Didn't the nurse's accident weigh on her at all? 这个护士的事故难道不使她苦恼吗?
- The employer disclaimed all responsibility for the fire accident. 老板否认对那次火灾事故负有任何责任。
- We recognize the importance of our resources and communities, and believe that all accidents are preventable. 我们认识到资源和社区的重要性,并且相信所有工业事故是可预防的。
- He was all but killed by the traffic accident. 他几乎死于车祸。
- To follow &ensure all accidents to be reported, investigated and effective corrective actions. 跟踪调查所有报告的安全事故报告,制定有效的整改计划。
- The witness lost all remembrance of the accident. 这位目击者对这个事故一点也不记得了。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Tell me about all your doings in London. 告诉我你在伦敦所做的一切。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我们大家都动手,一会儿就可以干完这件事。
- We all have our little weaknesses. 我们都有些小缺点。
- New blocks of flats and offices have mushroomed all over the city. 在全市各处如雨后春笋般出现了许多新公寓和办公楼。