- All China Esperanto League 中华全国世界语联合会
- All China was in the grip of a deep cold outbreak. 全中国都在深厚的冷空气爆发的控制之下。
- All China needs now is peace and stability. 中国当前所需要的是和平和稳定。
- All China is littered with dry faggots which will soon be aflame. 中国是全国都布满了干柴,很快就会燃成烈火。
- That streamer was as good as a satellite electrifying all China. 这条横幅也恰如卫星初次升空那样之美好,使全中国为之惊喜不已。
- A vaulting shot of Li Yue Juan in the All China Games. 全国运动会上,中国山西跳马选手李月娟一跃而过的一刻。
- Control storeroom orders and issue all china, silver and glass. 控制储藏室的发货及分发瓷器,银器和玻璃器皿。
- Not applicable on all China and Hong Kong public holidays and eves. 中国及香港公众假期及前夕不适用.
- You should carefully study this lesson,and so should all China's youth. 你们应该好好地研究一下,全国青年都应该好生研究。
- Nearly all China's dynastic changes took place during the cold spells. 中国的改朝换代几乎都是发生在寒冷期。
- Not all China's green entrepreneurs have fared so well over the past year. 并不是中国所有的绿色企业家在过去一年都那么风光。
- Nearly all China's domestic foundries are struggling to stay profitable. 几乎所有中国大陆的芯片制造商都难以保持盈利能力。
- And yet during the past year even the oasis of Peking had been invaded by the atmosphere of struggle that hovered over all China. 然而,在过去的一年里,就连北京这块绿洲,也难免受弥漫于全国的战争气氛的侵袭。
- The Chinese people are brave, so is the Communist Party of China, and they are determined to liberate all China. 中国人民是勇敢的,中国共产党也是勇敢的,他们一定要解放全中国。
- Golden Cereal paid a visit to Bai Lichen, President of All China Federation Supply and Marketing Cooperatives. 拜会中华供销总社白立忱主席;
- Please welcome Mr. Wang Tianju, Vice-chairman of the All China Lawyers Association, one of the host organizations. 请论坛主办单位之一,中华全国律师协会副会长王天举先生致词。
- In Dec.2000, We got the certification for authorized distributor of Wickmann Group. (Germany) for All China. 二零零零年底获得德国威文电器中国区域代理商资格;
- ESL; International Esperantist League for Go; 国际世界语学者围棋协会;
- If China did not resist,Japan would easily seize all China without firing a single shot,as she did the four northeastern provinces. 中国不抵抗,日本就不费一弹安然占领中国,东四省的丧失,就是前例。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?