- Studies on Growth Rule in Seedling Stage of Alnus rubra 美国红桤木苗期生长规律研究
- Alnus rubra 红桤木
- Alnus rubra Bong 红桤木
- Plumeria rubra L. cv. acutifolia. 鸡蛋花
- Abstract: Frangipani ( Plumeria rubra L. 文章摘要: 鸡蛋花是夹竹桃科。
- Fig. 1. Symptom of leaf spot on Basella rubra. 一、落葵叶斑病之病徵。
- Myrica rubra ( Lour. ) Sieb. et Zucc. 杨梅
- Myrica rubra (Lour.) Sieb. et Zucc. 杨梅
- Myrica rubra Var. astropurea Tsen. 乌杨梅
- The orange-red color of pityriasis rubra pilaris is characteristic. 蓝痣和蒙古斑就是这种光散射效应的例子。
- Study on Effect of Metallic Ions on Red Pigment of Myrica rubra Steb et zucc. 杨梅红色素与几种金属离子作用效应的研究。
- Study on Prevention and Control of Puccinia spp. In Festuca rubra L. 羊茅锈病发生与防治的研究。
- Unguis Suillus, Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Cortex Moutan. 猪蹄甲,地黄,赤芍,牡丹皮。
- Betula ermanii and Alnus mandshurica predominated in the colonizing woody species on forest boundaries. 林缘入侵物种主要由岳桦和东北赤杨组成。
- The genetic responses of 13 alder(Alnus cremastogyne) provenances was evaluated for at 5 test locations. 对桤木13个种源在5个测试点进行了生长性状的遗传测定.
- Alder (Alnus nepalensis),an important non-legume nitrogen-fixing plant,occurs widely in the eastern Himalayas. 桤木(Alnusnepalensis)是一种重要的非豆科固氮植物,广泛分布于喜马拉雅山脉东部地区。
- The variation degree of PAL activity,lignin growmjiight-growth of each Alnus cremastogyne clones is consistent. 不同无性系间PAL活性、木质素增长、高生长之间的差异是一致的;
- Hosts include Casuarina spp, members of the genera Myrica and Alnus, and other species that are not widely exploited for agriculture. 它的寄主包括木麻黄科、杨梅属和赤杨皮属的几个树种,和在农业上还没有被广为开发利用的一些种。
- Wood chemical compositions of 5 ,8 and 11 yr old Alnus cremastogyne plantations in the plantation area of Fujian Province are reported. 首次报道了四川桤木5、8和11年生3种树龄木材的化学组分测定结果。
- Plants on right grown without added Co for 6 months (Alnus) 7 months (Myrica) or 9 months (Casuarina) showing symptoms of decreased growth. 右边植株进行缺氮水培,没加钴分别为六个月(Alnus)、七个月(Myrica)、九个月(Casuarina)出现生长迟缓。