- Of or relating to the Altai Mountains. 阿尔泰山的阿尔泰山的或与阿尔泰山有关的
- Altai mountains north of the rich Junggar Basin China's second largest basin. 北部的阿尔泰山区盛产黄金准噶尔盆地中国第二大盆地。
- In fact,an ice-dammed lake in the Altay Mountains had released deluges of comparable scale to the Missoula floods. 实际上,阿尔泰山脉的冰坝湖曾经释放出的洪水,其规模足以和密苏拉洪水媲美。
- In fact, an ice-dammed lake in the Altay Mountains had released deluges of comparable scale to the Missoula floods. 实际上,阿尔泰山脉的冰坝湖曾经释放出的洪水,其规模足以和密苏拉洪水媲美。
- The spring of the Altay Mountains comes later, but as lovely as other places' spring. 阿尔泰山的春天来的迟,但春天该有的一样都不少。
- Back then, naturally you did not know how to smoke m much less how to drink, ride a horse, or tow a fat log along a snowy slope in the Altay Mountains. 那时你当然不会吸烟,更不会喝酒、骑马、在阿勒泰山的雪坡上拖走一根粗大的圆木。
- Characteristics of the Form Distribution of Fe and Mn in Altai Mountains Soils and Its Genetic Significance. 阿尔泰山垂直地带性土壤中铁和锰的形态特征及发生学意义
- The Kalaxianger porphyry copper deposit(belt)is located in a Late Paleozoic island arc on the southern margin of the Altay Mountains. 卡拉先格尔斑岩铜矿(带)位于阿尔泰东南缘晚古生代岛弧区,含矿斑岩主要为一套中-晚海西期的中酸性斑岩,围岩为中泥盆统北塔山组。
- The major active faults of Altai Mountains in backland of Asian continent are introduced in this paper. 文中介绍了位于亚洲腹地阿尔泰山地区的活动断裂。
- County north of the Altay mountains, is the Junggar Basin in southern kirpan Tungate desert, and there is the rivers, lakes, reservoirs, Oasis Plain. 县北部是阿勒泰山脉,南部是准噶尔盆地吉尔班通古特沙漠,中部是河流、湖泊、水库、绿洲平原。
- The Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks (from Early Devonian to Early Permian) were widely distributed in the south margin of the Altai Mountains. 阿尔泰山南缘晚古生代火山岩十分发育,从早泥盆世到早二叠世均有发育。
- Behind the measure is a concern that millions of people in the region will run out of water once the glaciers in the Tian, Kunlun and Altai mountains disappear. 这项工程背后更深的考虑是担心一旦天山、昆仑山和阿尔泰山上的冰川全部消融,生活在该地区的百万人口将面临无水可用的境地。
- Kanas is located in the northern part of Burqin County, 150 km from the county seat is located in a dense forest in the mountains of Altai mountains and lakes. 喀纳斯位于布尔津县境北部,距县城150公里,是一个座落在阿尔泰深山密林中的高山湖泊。
- In the third part, the concrete problems about ecological environment in the source region of the two rivers in Altai Mountain are pointed out. 第三部分具体指出了阿尔泰山两河源区现存的各种生态环境问题。
- The Scythian Pazyryk of the Altai Mountain region were another ancient culture which employed tattoos. 阿尔泰山区的斯基台人也是一个使用纹身的古老文明。
- There were herds of cattle, and wild ducks and other waterbirds resting on a sandy island. The wildflowers which had been washed down from the foothills of the Altay mountains formed a colourful floating layer atop the steely bluewater. 有牛群,也有野鸭子和别的水鸟停在沙洲上,那片从上游阿勒泰山南麓冲下来的野花,在钢蓝色的水面浮成斑斓的一层。
- Only I don't approve of your writing about the Ertix River. That river was raised on the fervent love songs of the Kazakhs and the melted snows of the Altay Mountains, and it flows, ever surging, towards the Arctic Ocean. 只是我不同意你那么多地写到额尔齐斯河,那条河是被哈萨克的真挚情歌和阿勒泰山的雪水养大的,它一直浩浩荡荡地流向北冰洋。
- The Altai mountains in southern Siberia form the major mountain range in the western Siberia biogeographic region and provide the source of its greatest rivers the Ob and the Irtysh. 位于西伯利亚南部的阿尔泰山是西西伯利亚地理生态区的主要山脉,也是世界上最长的河流之一鄂毕湾的源头。
- There are various mineral resources in Altai synclinorium that is one of the most important copper,lead,zinc and polymetallic ore zones on south margin of Altai Mountain. 在阿勒泰复向斜内,分布有众多矿产,是阿尔泰山南缘重要的铜、铅、锌及多金属成矿区之一。
- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。