- Alternate Route Canceled 取消迂回路由
- To go back and try an alternate route was equally impossible because traffic behind was backed up. 折回去走另外一条路,同样行不通,因为后面的车辆越堵越多。
- Figuring things out takes practice, failure, retooling one's plans, and trying an alternate route if necessary. 将事情理出头绪需要练习、经历失败、修正计画,以及在必要时设法改变做法。
- Motorists are advised to find an alternative route. 建议开车的人们换一条路。
- There was no alternative route open to her. 她别无选择。
- Surgeons implant blood essel grafts to proide an alternate route to damaged or blocked essels. 外科移植血管可为受伤或阻滞的血管提供另一个途径。
- When traffic is bad use the alternative route. 交通堵塞时可走另一条路。
- Maybe we should taken an alternative route. 可能我们应该选择另一条路。
- As the flooded road left them no alternative, they took the alternate route. 国为道路被洪水所淹,他们没有选择的余地,只能走另外的路。
- People need to understand that thinking is an acquired skill. Figuring things out takes practice, failure, retooling one's plans, and trying an alternate route if necessary. 人们需要明白思考是一种必备的技能。把事弄清楚需要实践、经历失败、修整计划以及如果必要的话,需要尝试另一条路。
- Translation People need to understand that thinking is an acquired skill. Figuring things out takes practice, failure, retoolingone's plans, and trying an alternate route if necessary. 人们需要明白思考是一种必备的技能。把事弄清楚需要实践、经历失败、修整计划以及如果必要的话,需要尝试另一条路。
- DUAL selects alternate routes quickly by using the information in these tables. DUAL利用在这些表格里的资讯,迅速地选择替代路径。
- DUAL uses the information in these tables to select alternate routes quickly. DUAL使用在这些表格里的资讯,迅速地选择替代路径。
- The Helipad offers Airforce General players who rely solely on the use of helicopters an alternate route to the Strategy Centre without the prerequisite of a War Factory and Airfield. 直升机平台提供给使用直升机的玩家一个可替代的路线去建造战略重心而不需要战争工厂或者飞机场。
- Motorists are advised to use alternative route(s) such as Castle Peak Road. 驾驶人士请考虑改用其他道路,例如青山公路。
- Motorists are advised to use alternative route such as Cheung Tung Road. 驾驶人士请考虑改用其他道路,例如:翔东路。
- Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes. 请驾车者另寻其他路线。
- An alternate routing number may be used by the switch if the primary number is busy or there is no answer. 如果主号占线或者无应答,交换机就可使用替代的路由号码。
- To alleviate the problem, some of the links have been rerouted to alternate routes to ease the congestion. 为了缓和这些问题,某些链接已被改线或变更来缓和壅塞。
- These arguments cancel each other out. 这些争论彼此势均力敌。