- Amarr Navy Medium Pulse Laser 艾玛海军中型脉冲激光器
- Amarr Navy Dual Light Pulse Laser 艾玛海军双通道轻型脉冲激光器
- Amarr Navy Medium Energy Neutralizer 艾玛海军中型能量中和器
- Amarr Navy Heavy Pulse Laser 艾玛海军重型脉冲激光器
- Amarr Navy Mega Pulse Laser 艾玛海军超级脉冲激光器
- True Sansha Focused Medium Pulse Laser 萨沙爱国者聚焦中型脉冲激光器
- Specialist training in the operation of advanced medium pulse lasers. 2% Bonus to the damage of turret requiring Medium Pulse Laser Specialization% 训练关于操作中型特有激光脉冲炮的技术。每级技能增加中型特有激光脉冲炮的伤害力2%25
- Dark Blood Medium Pulse Laser 浊血中型脉冲激光器
- II Amarr Navy Dual Heavy Beam Laser 艾玛海军双通道重型集束激光器
- Amarr Navy Dual Light Beam Laser 艾玛海军双通道偏振集束激光器
- Novel method for maximum range measure of pulse laser range finder. 脉冲激光测距机最大测程测试方法研究。
- Amarr Navy Armor Thermic Hardener 艾玛海军装甲抗热能增强器
- Optical Coherence Tomography System with SLD and Ultrashort Pulse Laser[J]. 引用该论文 陈炜;薛平;袁韬;谌一;陈瓞延.
- Ammatar Navy Dual Light Pulse Laser 艾玛达海军双通道轻型脉冲激光器
- Ammatar Navy Medium Armor Repairer 艾玛达海军中型装甲维修器
- This paper presents the output characteristics of pulsed laser, PTM Q-switched laser and pulse amplifier of solid-state medium whose fine structure of energy level is considered. 给出了考虑激活介质能级精细结构时固体自由运转激光器、脉冲透射式调Q激光器以及脉冲放大器的输出特性.
- Ammatar Navy Medium Energy Neutralizer 艾玛达海军中型能量中和器
- The mechanism of filamentation formed by femtosecond pulse laser beam propagating in atmosphere is investigated. 分析了飞秒激光脉冲在大气中传输时光丝的形成机理。
- Pulse laser could remove paintcoat completely under proper parameters without damaging the substrate. 激光除漆工艺参数适当时,脉冲激光能完全清洗漆板表面的油漆而不损伤其基体。
- Pulsed Laser Deposition using Excimer Lasers. 应用准分子激光器的脉冲激光沉积。