- Ambassador of Oxfam Hong Kong 乐施会大使
- Ray YEP and Director of China Unit of Oxfam Hong Kong Dr.Howard LIU, was held on 20 June 2009 at the Retail Centre of Comos Book in Wan Chai. 已于2009年6月20日在天地图书公司湾仔门市部举行,由新力量网络研究总监叶健民博士及乐施会中国部总监廖洪涛博士主讲。
- Oxfam Hong Kong is a member of Oxfam International and an independent development and relief agency based in Hong Kong working with poor and disadvantaged people in Asia and Africa. 香港乐施会 是国际乐施会的成员之一。我们是一个民间的发展及救援机构,建基于香港,在亚洲及非洲等地与贫穷人及弱势社群一起工作,面对贫穷和苦难。
- Oxfam Hong Kong envisions a world free of poverty where women and men enjoy well-being and rights. 乐施会展望世界最终能消除一切贫穷,不论男女,均能享受幸褔和权利。
- Oxfam Hong Kong provides financial support to Hong Kong Unison to expand its capacity. 香港乐施会为香港融乐会在扩展业务上提供财务资助。
- Oxfam Hong Kong is an independent development and relief agency based in Hong Kong. 乐施会是一个建基香港的独立的发展及救援机构。
- It is organized by Oxfam Hong Kong to raise money for helping poor people in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia and Africa. 毅行者活动是由香港乐施会组织的,目的是筹集钱来帮助香港及亚洲其它地区和非洲的穷人。
- Oxfam Trailwalker is organized by Oxfam Hong Kong to raise money for helping poor people in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia and Africa. 乐施会毅行者由香港乐施会组织,目的是为筹集资金帮助香港、亚洲和非洲的其它地方的穷人。
- Cheques should be written in favour of Oxfam. 支票上请写明以牛津饥荒救济委员会为受款人。
- Hong Kong garment companies are not providing consumers and investors sufficient information to make ethical consumption or investment choices, according to a report by Oxfam Hong Kong. 乐施会最新发表企业透明度研究报告显示,香港的成衣公司并未向消费者及投资者提供足够的资讯,让他们了解服装产品供应链内的劳工标准及状况,以致他们无从作出良心消费或投资。
- Money raised will be used to support Oxfam Hong Kongs work with poor people around the world. 筹得款项将用作支持乐施会的扶贫及发展工作。
- He was the ambassador of the king of Portugal. 他是葡萄牙国王的使臣。
- He is an ambassador of international reputation. 他是一个国际闻名的大使。
- Ambassadors of Hong Kong Vehicle Repairing Merchants Association Limited are promoting the partnership programme at vehicle testing centre. 香港汽车修理同业商会大使在车辆测试中心推广合作计划。
- He's been to Hong Kong scores of times. 他曾多次去过香港。
- A tourist abroad can be an ambassador of good-will for his country. 国外旅游者可以做本国的亲善代表。
- The Goodwill Ambassador of The Ninth World Wushu Championships. 第九届世界武术锦标赛,武术形象大使。
- The ambassadors of Hong Kong movies, Hong Kong actress Maggie Cheung and director Wong Kar-wai attended a cocktail party on the beach of Cannes on Friday night. 香港电影大使张曼玉与王家卫周五晚出席了在戛纳海滩边举行的鸡尾酒会。
- The ambassador of the friendly nation refused to give any interviews to journalists or TV men. 我在异国他乡遇到故知。
- Hong kong rate as one of the biggest trade center in the world. 香港是世界上最大的贸易中心之一。