- American Art Marketing Guild 美国艺术市场协会
- American Art on Display in Russia. 大批美国艺术品赴俄罗斯展出。
- So does this mean the art market funk is over? 这是否意味着艺术品市场已走出低迷?
- The Dutch art market, at its zenith, collapsed. 荷兰的艺术市场在最高峰时崩溃了。
- China's Art Market: Cold or Maybe Hibernating? 中国艺术市场:遇冷还是冬眠?
- Can Frieze reheat the art market? 是否能让艺术市场回暖?
- Jazz is often referred to as the only truly American art form. 爵士音乐常被认为是唯一真正的美国艺术形式。
- Robert Smithson was one of the key figures in American art of the 1970s. 罗伯特史密斯森是20世纪70年代美国艺术的关键人物之一。
- Art market influences the future of art, and rewrites the history of art. 艺术市场浮沉着艺术的前途,改写着艺术史。
- Her career blossomed at a time when the American art world had embraced Modernism and found a new beauty in technology. 当美国艺术界接受了现代派并在表现手法上找到了一种新的美时,他的艺术事业曾一度繁荣。
- Collect the Asian art, nineteenth and twentieth-century American art, and the graphic art. 收藏亚洲艺术、十九、二十世纪之美国艺术及图画艺术。
- He even has a bowl at the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D. 他甚至还有一个木碗被收藏在华盛顿特区的史密森美国艺术学会兰威克艺廊里。
- The Hudson River School painters are considered the first official school in American art. 哈德森河流学校的画家们被认为是美国首家官方艺术学校。
- The growth of economic forces in the Huizhou area in particular ensured that a mature art market developed in this period. 由于经济实力的增长,至明末及清初形成了较为成熟的艺术市场。
- Nationally acclaimed experts in the field of Native American art act as judges in the show. 在美国原住民艺术领域,受到全国赞扬的专家,会在这个展览会现场担任裁判。
- It not only presaged the initial establishing of modern art concepts of the public, but also made a base for modern art market. 它不仅预示着现代大众艺术观念的初步确立,而且为现代艺术市场的建立打下了基础。
- Shanghai's art market is like an unfinishable book in which galleries are indubitably playing the leading character. 上海艺术市场是一部永远读不完的大书,而上海画廊则是这部大书当之无愧的第一主角。
- Whatever changes are brought, about motion pictures will always remain an important American art form and a significant cultural force. 不管发生了什么变化,电影将永远是美国的一种重要的艺术形式和重要的文化力量。
- Contemporary Chinese artists' artwork has become very popular in the international art market. 当代中国艺术家的艺术品在国际市场已很受欢迎。
- Whatever changes are brought about, motion pictures will always remain an important American art form and a significant cultural force. 不管发生了什么变化,电影将永远是美国的一种重要的艺术形式和重要的文化力量。