- Construction of American Style Furniture and Flexible Manufacture 美式家具结构与柔性化生产
- Simplifying Part Size of American Style Furniture to Adopt Group Technology 美式家具零件规格尺寸与成组技术
- The Research of Modern Manufacturing and Operation of American Style Furniture 美式家具的现代化生产运营研究
- Modern American Style Furniture 美式风格家具
- What style furniture do you like? 你喜欢什么式样的家具?
- Generally speaking, American furniture must go through several stages of the operation to highlight American style. 一般而言,美式家具必须经过几个阶段的作业才能凸显美式风格。
- Do you still have an American style of life? 你是否仍按照美国的方式生活?
- Sometimes. Would you rather I do it American style? 有时,你是不是更喜欢我用美国式的做法?
- What style furniture do you like? Traditional ones or modern ones? 你喜欢什么式样的家具?老式的还是现代的?
- What style furniture do you have? Is it traditional? 你有什么式样的家俱? 是老式的吗?
- Do you know where I could find an American style restaurant? 请问哪里可找到美式餐馆?
- Noan Webster had asked for a genuine American style. 诺亚·韦伯斯特早已呼吁创造一种纯粹美国的文体。
- Dyadic beautiful style furniture It both which brands does Wuhan sell? 武汉卖美式风格家具的都有哪几个品牌?
- Taiwan North American Style, Open and Progressive Education. 台湾和北美风格教育理念下的开放式、发展式教育。
- The American style of driving is defensive, not offensive. 美国人的开车方式是属于防守型,而不是进攻型。
- How would you like to go to an American style square dance? 您喜欢跳美国式的方舞吗?
- European and American styled fashion appearance. 欧美时尚外观设计,雍容华贵,
- What Western-style style introduced in Chinese style furniture and dining-room is Anacreontic and concise, more the charm that show but person. 中式家具与餐厅里引入了西式格调的明朗简洁,更显的妩媚可人.
- Many say that with globalisation,the American style is the way to go. 许多人说,在环球化现象盛行的情况下,美国化是大势所趋。
- The Ming Dynasty style furniture has a natural beauty, looking durable, smooth, plain and clean. 由于材料考究,所以明式家具有充分条件追求本身质感和自然美,达到硬、滑、素、净最佳的艺术效果。