- American childhood education 美国幼教
- Localized European and American early childhood education, plentiful courses. 领先欧美教学本土化,课程专业丰富!
- Childhood education is crucial for a person's breeding. 童年教育对一个人的成长至关重要.
- To start an early childhood education in June as well as adult education. 希望能够成立学前教育和成年识字教育。
- In the beginning this included bringing professional American Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers and Elementary Education (EE) teachers to China as consultants to international schools. 在成立之初,好杰教育为国际学校提供专业的美国早教专家和基础教育老师作为顾问。
- The long, idle, slightly boring summer is a staple of American childhood - it drives the plot of To Kill a Mockingbird and countless other books and films. 漫长、悠闲、又有些无聊的暑假是美国童年的主题。
- In every Early Childhood Education program the parents are an essential element. 在每个儿童的早期教育计划里,父母都是最基本的因素。
- He is in charge of the implementation of high quality early childhood education programs in New Mexico. 他在新墨西哥州负责儿童高质早期教育项目的执行工作。
- However, In 1977 the Government Republic of Zambia put up a number of policies that supported the establishment of early childhood education programs. 但是在各方努力下,1977年,赞比亚政府通过了一系列政策来支持建立学前教育机构。
- Therefore, this research paper is based on the reflection of Zambian Early Childhood Education Development. 因此,本研究的基础是,对赞比亚的学前教育发展进行的反思。
- L. B. Berk &A. Winsler(1995/1999). Scaffolding Children's Learning: Vygotsky and Early Childhood Education. 谷瑞勉(译)。鹰架儿童的学习:维高斯基与幼儿教育。台北:心理。
- But unfortunately,there are some actualities which are contrast with the soul in realistic childhood education. 但是,在现实的儿童教育中却存在着一些违背儿童身心发展规律的教育现状,例如,忽视儿童的基本权利、幼儿教育小学化倾向严重等。
- ELFA believes that early childhood education's impact is powerful and future-directed. 爱儿坊认为早期教育的效益是巨大的,肯定将在未来体现。
- Stephen, a hospitality management major and Rachel, a childhood education graduate, have been in UNT for the past2-3 years. 白任超(修饭店餐饮管理)张容容(修幼儿教育)已在北德大有两三年的时间。
- The Education Department enhances the development of quality early childhood education by promoting school self-evaluation and external monitoring mechanism. 教育署致力加强学校自我评估及校外评估机制,促进优质幼儿教育的发展。
- A motion moved by Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong on "Enhancing the Quality of Early Childhood Education" was passed by the Council. 张文光议员就"提升幼儿教育质素"动议议案,并获立法会通过。
- Major research and development, production and marketing of toys early childhood education, Tongchuang, blackboards, sports fitness equipment, rubber matting, plastic runway. 主要研制开发、生产销售幼儿教玩具、童床、黑板、体育健身器材、橡胶地垫、塑胶跑道等。
- It is urged that phenomena and strategies related to early childhood education need to be understood and developed contextually. 研究结果突显学前教育的现象与策略 需从社会脉络去了解与切入。
- Professor Nisbett strongly advocates intensive early childhood education because of its proven ability to raise I.Q. and improve long-term outcomes. 尼斯贝特教授大力支持强化的儿童早期教育,因为这已经证明对提高智商有利,并且有长远效果。
- He is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on comparative early childhood education, and also known for his innovative research approach. 他是国内外公认的比较幼儿教育研究的专家,并因其革新的研究方法而闻名。