- Lifelong education and the World Wide Web: American hegemony or diverse utopia? 终生教育和万维网:美国独霸还是各国的梦想?
- The Administration's apparent aspiration is to retain American hegemony on the cheap. 政府看来希望用最经济的办法来维持美国的霸权。
- Two years on, resentment of American hegemony is alive and well, along with a sense that it may be on the wane anyway. 两年来,两国对美国霸权的不满继续强烈地存在,并感觉到无论如何这种霸权都处于逐渐衰落之中。
- The international system in the post-Cold War world is characterized by the unipolarity dominated by American hegemony and the rapid development of China. 摘要冷战后国际体系的两个突出特征是美国霸权主导的单极世界与中国的迅速发展。
- Neoconservatism, whatever its complex roots, has become indelibly associated with concepts like coercive regime change, unilateralism and American hegemony. 纵使其根源盘根错节,新保守主义已经无法摆脱与强制政权更迭、单边主义、美国霸权等观念联系在一起的命运。
- David A Lake used to compare British and American Hegemony and concluded that the Pax Americana played a favorable role in shaping and stabilizing the global free market system. 美国学者大卫.;雷克在比较美英霸权体系差异的基础上得出了这样的结论:在全球政治经济体系中;美国霸权的存在有利于形成和维持稳定的全球自由主义的市场秩序。
- But China’s “meddling” in Africa is in large measure driven by the need to have access to resources that may be closed off to them, given American hegemony in the Middle East. 然而,中国在非洲的“干涉”,多半是由需要驱使的,它需要使用可能会向他们关闭的资源,这也是由美国在中东的霸权使然。
- Indeed, to earlier leaders like France's Jacques Chirac, a rising China was welcome as another challenge to American hegemony, ushering in a “multipolar world” in which the EU would play a big role. 事实上,对以前的领导人(例如法国的希拉克)而言,一个崛起的中国是值得欢迎的,它可以挑战美国的霸权,迎来一个欧盟可以扮演重要角色的“多极世界”。
- At a recent Wilton Park conference in Britain, a Chinese academic called the EU a weak power, unprepared to challenge American hegemony: China was not about to work with it on a new world order. 最近在英国威尔顿庄园举行的一次会议中,一名中国学者称欧盟是一支虚弱的势力,没有为挑战美国霸权做好准备:在新的世界秩序中,中国不会与它一同工作。
- Beeson, Mark, “The United States and Southeast Asia: Change and Continuity in American Hegemony”, in Jayasuriya, K. (ed.), Crisis and Change in Regional Governance, London: Routledge, 2003. 因此,“从东南亚条约组织开始,美国已经正式把东南亚纳入它的全球冷战体系”(刘雄,2002第207页)。
- Since China has more population than any other country in the world and China developed very quickly in the past few years, John J.Mearsheimer thinks that China is a threat to American hegemony. 中国在世界上人口比较多,经济又正处于快速发展时期,故米尔斯海默认为中国是威胁,而威胁的对象便是美国霸权。
- Bears of the US argue that a deteriorating fiscal position brings down the curtain on the era of American hegemony and that accelerating relative economic decline is the new reality. 看跌美国的人士提出,日益恶化的财政状况降下了美国霸权时代的帷幕,新的现实是,美国经济相对他国的下滑将不断加速。
- Globalization is the mask of American hegemonism and aureola. 全球化是美国霸权主义的面具和光环。
- the shift from Soviet - American hegemony to a polycentric world. 从美苏霸权向多中心世界的转变
- Mr.Hu does not say so himself,but the Chinese media have made it clear that harmonious world is a part-rebuffto American “hegemonism”. 尽管胡自己并未言明,但中国媒体将和谐世界解读为对美式“霸权主义”的部份回绝。
- Bill Gates is an American citizen. 比尔·盖茨是美国公民。
- He works at the American Embassy in Moscow. 他在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。
- The American market turned roundsharply a week ago. 美国证券市场於一周前急遽反转。
- The Nestor or American philosophy. 美国哲学界中的耆宿。
- American girls are often very pretty. 美国女孩多很漂亮。