- American Jewish Year Book 《美国犹太人年报》
- Bernard Malamud is a famous American Jewish writer. 伯纳德·马拉默德是当代美国重要的犹太作家之一。
- Cynthia Ozick is one of the outstanding American Jewish writers. 辛西娅·奥齐克是当代杰出的美国犹太女作家。
- American Jewish literature studies in China is on its debut. 在我国的美国文学研究领域 ,对美国犹太文学的研究尚处初始阶段。
- China stock market development year book II. 中国股市发展报告2。
- Listen, we made a pact in year book committee. 我们在年鉴委员会已经备案了。
- Their mug shots in the year book are very special. 他们在毕业纪念册里的大头照都很特别。
- This year book ekes out souvenir of my life in the university. 这本年鉴帮助我追忆大学生活。
- Year book of health in the People's Republic of China. 中国卫生年鉴。
- A hit squad of American Jewish soldiers and a French Jewess living in Paris converge in a pair of outlandish plots to kill the Nazi high command. 一美国犹太战士攻击小组与一位生活在巴黎的法国犹太女人在一片偏僻地区会合,决意摧毁纳粹党的最高指挥部。
- Hassard TH. Understanding biostatistics. St. Louis: Mosby year book; 1991. 林为森等译。生物统计原。第二版。台北:学铭图书公司、欧亚书局;2003。
- Saul Bellow has the most distinguished literary career in the contemporary American literature, which is known for a variety of schools and their unconventional features. He is an American Jewish writer with profound knowledge and rich experiences. 在以流派众多、标新立异闻名的当代美国文坛,索尔·贝娄(Saul Bellow)的地位十分突出,他是一位知识渊博、生活阅历丰富的美国犹太作家。
- But Malcolm Hoenlein, a top American Jewish leader, dismissed the suggestion that Obama was coming to the Middle East with a solution in his pocket to problems stretching back decades. 但是,美国犹太人最高领袖马尔科姆驳回了奥巴马怀揣解决几十年遗留下来问题的办法来到中东的看法。
- Jews for Marriage Equality is co-chaired by Rabbi Elliot Dorff, rector at American Jewish University, and Rabbi Jerry Brown of Temple Ahavat Shalom, a Reform congregation in Northridge. 犹太人的婚姻平等共同主持的拉比埃利奥特多尔夫,校长在美国犹太大学,拉比杰里布朗寺Ahavat沙洛姆,改革聚集在北岭。
- These recorded decisions are mainly contained in the Year Books. 这些书面记录的判决主要记载于《年鉴》中。
- Saucier, K. A. (1991). Perspectives in family and community health. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book. 阮玉梅等(1996).;公共卫生护理概论
- E.L. Hammer (1953), Salaries of Teachers, (Eds.), The year Book of Education Erans Brothers London, 107, : . 岩波(1961);现代教育学第十八卷-教师;:岩波书店.
- Cookfair, J. M. (1991). Nursing process and practice in the community. Philadelphia: Mosby Year Book. 尹祚芊等(2000).;公共卫生护理学
- Like his Russian-Jewish parents who aspired after "Americanized success", West refused to accept his Jewish status and tried to stand apart from the mainstream of American Jewish life. 他的父母是来自俄国的犹太移民,渴望“美国式成功”。像他们一样,韦斯特拒绝接受他的犹太人身份,并试图远离美国犹太人生活的主流。
- Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2004). Community & public health nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Year Book. 陈品玲(2001).;流行病学概论