- Ammi visnaga [医] 阿密茴
- Say to your brothers, Ammi, And to your sisters, Ruhamah. 1你们要对你们的弟兄说,阿米;要对你们的姊妹说,路哈玛。
- Jason: If there is any justice at all, I should get an Ammi for that. 杰森:如果有评奖的话,我准会得个艾米奖。
- The younger had a child and named him Ammi and he is the father of the Ammonites. 小女儿生了一个儿子名亚米,他是亚扪人的始祖。
- Implications and relevant questions were also discussed for the application of AMMI analysis. 讨论了AMMI模型在分析品种稳定性时应注意的问题。
- An improvement is made on the newly proposed method of variety stability analysis based on the AMMI model. 对新近提出的基于AMMI模型的品种稳定性分析方法作了改进。
- Results There are differences on grades,regions and quantities among patterns of Trechyspermum ammi L. 结果电泳图谱清楚地显示出各样品的特征带,从而能准确区别各种药材。
- Objective:To extract and determine the Fatty Acid in the Trachyspermum Ammi(L.). 目的:用脂肪提取器提取阿育魏种子中的脂肪酸并测定其含量。
- Abstract: An improvement is made on the newly proposed method of variety stability analysis based on the AMMI model. 摘要对新近提出的基于AMMI模型的品种稳定性分析方法作了改进。
- Objective: To compare the contents of total flavone in Trachyspermum Ammi(L) Sprague from different regions of the south of Xinjiang. 目的:用超声法提取阿育魏种子中的黄酮并测定其含量。
- The Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model had been used to evaluate stability of varieties to be tested in Sichuan rapeseed yield trial in 1997. 将AMMI模型应用于1997年四川省油菜区试参试品种(系)稳定性评价研究,得到如下结果:AMMI模型优于传统的回归分析法。
- Conclusion: The contents of total flavone of Trachyspermum Ammi(L) Sprague showed difference with the change of different region of the south of Xinjiang. 结论:该测定方法操作技术简便、灵敏度高。
- Ammi magus L. 大阿米,大阿密
- The introduction of the double mark figure and the special interacting value (Dge) of AMMI model was useful to identify the discriminability of locations to varieties and the special adaptability of cultivars. AMMI模型中双标图和特殊互作效应值Dge的引人,为直观地、定量地估计试点对品种的分辨力及品种对试点的特殊适应性提供了一种非常有效的手段。
- The yield stability and high yield of wheat of Mianyang 26 were analysed by using AMMI model. The results show that the yield of Mianyang 26 is higher than CK, and it has superiority of wide regional, adaption, high and stable yield. 用AMMI模型对绵阳26号小麦的丰产、稳产性进行分析,发现其产量显著高于对照品种,并且具有稳产、适应性广、综合性状好等特性。
- The novel concept of average minimum moment of inertia (AMMI) is presented and the formula for obtaining AMMI of a cellar array for a thick honeycomb sandwich plate or beam is derived. 提出了平均最小横截面惯性矩的概念,并推出了常用蜂窝夹芯板梁的平均最小横截面惯性矩的计算公式,解决了厚蜂窝夹芯板梁胞元阵列惯性矩的计算问题。
- Result:Four kinds of acid from the Trachyspermum Ammi(L.)were identified including linoleic acid,oleic acid,stearic acid,palmitic acid.The linoleic acid and oleic acid were main components among them. 结果:从阿育魏种子中分离出了4种脂肪酸,它们分别是亚油酸、油酸、棕榈酸、硬脂酸,其种子主要脂肪酸为亚油酸和油酸。
- White Rose, Ammi Majus, Sedum, Ivy, Greens 白玫瑰,白飞香,家乐花,长春藤,衬叶
- Apple-Green Rose, Blue Hydrangea, Eucalyptus,Mona Lisa, Ammi Majus 青苹果玫瑰,蓝绣球,尤加利叶,蒙娜丽莎,白飞香
- additive main effects and multiplicative interaction(AMMI) model AMMI模型