- Amur honeysuckle 金银木
- Honeysuckle is often an ingredient of some herbal medicine. 金银花常是草药的一种成份。
- The honeysuckle was streaming scent. 忍冬花放出香气。
- The honeysuckle rambled all over the fence. 忍冬属植物爬满了篱笆。
- Roses and honeysuckle entwine the little cottage. 玫瑰与忍冬盘绕着小屋。
- Dusky Thrush and Amur Corktree in Nature Ecosystem. 自然生态系统中的斑鸫与黄檗
- Soon another argument was being made for the Amur. 不久,“黑龙江计划”的又一个理由开始生成。
- The cultivated area of amur grape was up to ... 国内栽培面积达到5000余公顷。
- Honeysuckle was the saddest odor of all, I think. 忍冬是所有的香味中最最悲哀的一种了,我想。
- Once more he saw open honeysuckle. 他又一次看到了盛开的忍冬花。
- The honeysuckle has a twining habit. 忍冬有盘绕的习性。
- Once more he saw open honeysuckle . 他又一次看到了盛开的忍冬花。
- Wait for a honeysuckle to come untied. 一个答案;需要那么长的时间去等待.
- From here, there is a stunning view of the Amur river and Russia. 从这里眺望阿穆尔河和俄罗斯,映入眼帘的是一幕惊人的景象。
- A pair of noisy Amur falcons nests in an oak on the escarpment. 你还会听到坡地的一棵栎树上有一对阿穆尔隼在的巢内聒噪。
- In my garden there are roses and two kinds of honeysuckle. 在我的花园里有玫瑰和两种金银花。
- But quickly the Amur dream soured, and Muraviev's star fell. 但阿穆尔之梦很快就破灭了,穆拉维耶夫之星陨落。
- Hummingbirds were stopping over the honeysuckle flowers. 蜂鸟儿停在忍冬花上。
- The evening air was sweet with the smell of honeysuckle. 傍晚的空气中充满金银花的香味。
- I ran out to buy you some fruit and honeysuckle tablet. 我休息了一天就跑出去给你买水果和金银花含片,