- An honest and virtuous citizen 忠良之民
- He was an honest and incorruptible official. 他为官清廉。
- Athens had turned against its most brilliant and virtuous citizen. 雅典把矛头指向其最有才有德的人。
- I will warrant him an honest and reliable man . 我担保他是个诚实可靠的人。
- An honest and happy pride I took in it. 我从中感到一种真正的、令人欣慰的骄傲。
- The judge is an honest and upright official. 那位法官是个清官。
- He is an honest and frank official. 他是一位耿介之士。
- He is an honest and kind peasant. 他是一位厚道的农民。
- I'll warrant him an honest and reliable man. 我担保他是个诚实可靠的人。
- He's an honest and frank official. 他是一位耿介之士。
- He's an honest and kind peasant. 他是一位厚道的农民。
- He is an honest and diligent worker. 他是个诚实又勤奋的员工。
- I will warrant him an honest and reliable fellow. 我可以保证他是一个诚实可靠的人。
- He is an honest and frank person. 他是一位耿介之士。
- He is an honest and truly dependable man. 他这个人可实在了。
- That proves you must have been an honest and faithful servant. 这证明你一定是个忠实可靠的仆人。
- Am I trustworthy, do I have an honest and open manner? 我信赖,我做一个诚实和公开的方式?
- Everyone should have the good quality to lead an honest and clean life. 每个人都应该具备洁身自好的美德。
- We everyone should learn how to be modest, honest and virtuous, wish everyone having a real and happy life! 我们每个人都应该学会谦虚、诚实和有道德的,祝愿每个人都有一个真实而幸福的生活!
- Several boxes of cold medicine were brought to them by Heifer, hoping to soothe these honest and virtuous villagers. 小母牛带去了几箱治感冒的”小柴胡颗粒“,但愿这些药既能为他们治病,又能为这些淳朴善良的村民们带来一点点安慰和重建生活的希望。