- Analysis function description 分解功能描述
- Index of the function description to return. 要返回的函数说明的索引。
- Based on the GIS spatial information analysis function, the SLF is studied. 然后根据实际馈线路径和配网GIS图形分层,运用图层叠加分析得到馈线的实际供电范围;
- Data warehouse (DW) can homogenize isomeric data and has a complex analysis function. 现有的基于数据库系统的水环境质量评价系统面向的对象单一,分析功能弱。
- In this paper, a complete, so-called double wave function description for space rotator systems in Cartesian coordinate is given. 本文给出了笛卡儿坐标下空间转子体系的双波函数描述,得到了该坐标下每一个力学量的时间演化方程。
- Function description: Minimize pores, treat acnes, expel toxin, promote injury recovery and cell renewal, eliminate dropsy, balance and comfort skin. 功效说明:收敛毛孔,治疗青春痘,排毒,促进伤口愈合及细胞再生,消除水肿,平衡、安抚肌肤。
- Function description: The best product to calm mood. It could alleviate muscle convulsion, help sleep, hydrate aging, water-deficiency skin. 功效说明:最佳稳定情绪的圣品,可舒缓肌肉痉挛,有助于睡眠,具保湿效果适用于老化缺水的肌肤。
- Note: Even if antiresonance frequencies are set, they are not reflected in the servo analysis function. 深圳入江机电::富士伺服系统;富士电机富士伺服电机富...
- Function description: Natural plant skin-cleansing factor, which is pure and calming, could remove makeup gently and cleanse skin. 功能说明:纯净、舒缓的天然植物洁肤因子,轻柔卸除彩妆,清洁皮肤;
- In the home ECG/BP Monitoring Network, the blood pressure analysis function is an important part of the system. 在家庭心电/血压监护网中,血压分析功能是该系统的重要组成部分。
- Function description: Gently remove excessive aging keratinized cell of lips, meanwhile supplement nutrition, and regain moist lips. 功能说明:温和清除双唇多余老化角质细胞,并同时补充营养,重现水凝嫩唇。
- Data warehouse(DW) can homogenize isomeric data and has a complex analysis function. 现有的基于数据库系统的水环境质量评价系统面向的对象单一,分析功能弱。
- In this paper based on the description of XML based component, we proposed domain oriented, hiberarchy component semantic network organization model and its function description. 在基于XML的构件描述的基础上,给出了一个面向领域的、层次构件语义网络组织模型及其功能说明。
- Define and apply analysis functions to identify performance bottlenecks. 定义和应用分析函数来识别性能瓶颈。
- Function description: Deep supplement water and nutrition to skin, provide deficient nutrient due to excessive weariness of hands, quickly leave skin lustrous and roseate. 功能说明:深层补充皮肤营养和水分,提供手部因过度疲劳而需要补充的养分,迅速使肌肤恢复光泽。
- Extensive cursor analysis functions such as zoom, distance, position etc. 丰富的光标分析功能,比如:缩放显示、距离测量、坐标位置显示等等。
- Function description: Clary sage has attractive feature, and it could resist inflammation, restrain sweat, tighten skin eliminate flatulence, have better effect on female hystera. 功效说明:快乐鼠尾草具有令人陶醉的特性,能抗炎、抑汗、紧实肌肤、去除胃胀气,对女性子宫有很好的保护作用。
- Adopted layered analysis system, using vulnerability analysis function of water node to estimate the index value of the water node. 采用分层的分析体系,利用用水节点的脆弱性分析函数量化各节点的指标值。
- Function description: It could calm heart, relax and comfort mood, help sleep, have such effects as balancing skin, eliminating scars, promoting cell renewal. 功效说明:能抚慰心灵,放松、安抚情绪,有助于睡眠,还具有平衡肌肤,消除疤痕、促进细胞再生的作用。
- The corresponding measuring system software and PC application software are designed as well. The harmonic analysis function of ADE 7758 is introduced. 该方案以ADE7758为计量芯片进行硬件电路设计,以P89C51RD2单片机作为系统处理器,设计了相应的测量系统软件及PC机应用软件,并对ADE7758实现谐波分析的特性进行了分析。