- Religions include nature and ancestor worship and Christianity. 包括宗教性质和祖先崇拜和基督教。
- Panhu and Wang Yao is set totem worship and ancestor worship. 而盘瓠和盘王是瑶族的图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜。
- Ancestor worship is a Chinese tradition dating back thousands of years. 中国祭祀祖先的传统已有数千年之久。
- The supernatural is left almost untouched, and ancestor worship can go side by side with belief in a Christian, a Buddhist, or a Mohammedan god. 祖先的崇拜几乎不和超自然的东西发生关系,所以它可以和基督教,佛教,或回回教关于上帝的信仰并行不悖。
- She must not be allowed to perform the ritual of ancestor worship,and no wedding dinner. 她不得拜堂告祖,及请人吃喜酒。
- The ideas behind this are probably very old, stemming from ancestor worship rather than Buddhism. 也许这种隐含的意思非常古老,它起源于对祖先而不是佛教的崇拜。
- Ancestor worship during Ching Ming Festival is a way that Chinese show filial piety. 在清明时节祭拜祖先是中国人表达孝道的方式之一。
- The rituals of ancestor worship provide a form of religion and are both natural and justifiable because all beliefs must have an outward symbol and form. 崇拜祖先的礼仪产生了一种宗教的形式,这是很自然而且很正常的,因为一切的信仰都须有一种外表的象征和形式。
- She must not be allowed to perform the ritual of ancestor worship, and no wedding dinner. (二)不得拜堂告祖,及请人吃喜酒。
- Societies which advocated the abolition of ancestor worship were generally considered revolutionary and hence a threat to the patriarchal state power. 取消了祖先崇拜的组织会社被认为是造反的,因此也是对父系政权的一种威胁。
- Ancestor worship is also near universal, with small shrines to a family's forbears adorning many homes. 对祖先的膜拜几乎也是普世性的。许多人的家里也都放了小小的神龛祭奠家里的祖先。
- Finally, the doctrines of ancestor worship and inequality of women help in the overpopulation of the country. 七、最后,祖先崇拜的信条和妇女的不平等地位助长了中国人口的过度增长。
- Customs and folkways, filial piety and ancestor worship, were more sovereign than the state power. 风俗习惯、孝道、敬祖宗,比国家政权影响更大。
- Looking for the “root”and ancestor worship are the tradition consuetude of our Chinese people. 利用和开发这些现存的炎帝文化资源,对研究炎帝文化和中华文明史,弘扬民族精神具有十分重要的现实意义。
- Chinese ancestor worship has already been called a religion by certain writers,and I believe this to a very great extent is correct. 有些作家曾称中国人的祖先的崇拜为一种宗教,在我看来,这大抵是对的。
- The supernatural is left almost untouched,and ancestor worship can go side by side with belief in a Christian,a Buddhist,or a Mohammedan god. 祖先的崇拜几乎不和超自然的东西发生关系,所以它可以和基督教,佛教,或回回教关于上帝的信仰并行不悖。
- Chinese ancestor worship has already been called a religion by certain writers, and I believe this to a very great extent is correct. 有些作家曾称中国人的祖先的崇拜为一种宗教,在我看来,这大抵是对的。
- Another aspect of this animistic belief was ancestor worship, with each family honouring their own dead by their own rites. 这种万物有灵论信仰的另一面是崇拜祖先,每一个家庭都用自己的仪式来荣耀死去的亲人。
- Reverent but prejudicial Ancestor Worship - one of China's immense Cemeteries,which seriously lessen her productive land area. 一片巨大的中国人墓地,对祖先的崇敬,但会减少他们可耕种的土地。
- Ancestor worship is widely practised in Hong Kong owing to the strong influence of Confucianism,which is not a religion but teaches a moral code based on human relations. 由于本港市民深受儒家思想影响,故很多人都有拜祭祖先的习惯。儒家思想虽然不算是一种宗教,但却宣扬一套以人际关系为本的道德标准。