- These are just two examples of the "titanic" influence ancient Greek mythology has had on the English language. 古希腊神话对英文有莫大的影响,以上所述不过是其中两个例子罢了。
- Abstract: There’re some connections of and differences between Plato’s mythos and the ancient Greek mythology. 摘 要: 柏拉图对话中的神话与希腊传统神话既有联系,又有区别。
- There're some connections of and differences between Plato's mythos and the ancient Greek mythology. 摘要柏拉图对话中的神话与希腊传统神话既有联系,又有区别。
- This paper discusses the nationality and modernity of ancient Greek mythology, and interprets the free will and extreme concern of ancient Greek. 它以诗性想象表达了远古希腊人力图诠释纷繁复杂的自然现象和社会现象的原始观念,是躁动不安的西方思想文化超越性发展模式的内驱力。
- Different cultures and spaces in history have legends about the place of their gods and teachers- such as Mount Olympus in ancient Greek mythology. 在历史中不同的文化和空间有关于他们的神和老师的地方传说-例如古希腊神话里奥林匹斯山。
- Different cultures and spaces in history have legends about the place of their gods and teachers - such as Mount Olympus in ancient Greek mythology. 在历史中不同的文化和空间有关于他们的神和老师的地方传说-例如古希腊神话里奥林匹斯山。
- As the historical cradle and spiritual source of Western culture, ancient Greek mythology which integrate fanciful world with world outlook together, reveals the initial state of human culture and intellectual activities. 希腊神话和传说注重世俗个体的自由和人间英雄的荣誉,具有鲜明的民族性特征,体现了古希腊民族在追求生活欲望的满足或与命运抗争中所表现出来的完整人性和浪漫奔放的自由精神。
- "Acheron translates as the "river of woe" and it was believed to be a branch of the underworld river Styx over which in ancient Greek mythology Charon ferried the newly dead souls across into Hades. 阿克隆),古代希腊、罗马神话里所称在地狱间的河流,称作冥河,也以此来称呼阴间、地狱、冥府。
- Mother's Day originated in Greece, the ancient Greeks to this day the gods in Greek mythology, Hera pay tribute to the mother. 母亲节起源于希腊,古希腊人在这一天向希腊神话中的众神之母赫拉致敬。
- On the Ethical Consciousness in Ancient Greek Mythology 论古希腊神话的道德意识
- Similarities Between The Bible And The Ancient Greek Mythology 管窥《圣经》与古希腊罗马神话的异曲同工
- The ancient Greek mythologies, Roman myths and fairy tales of northern Europe are the publicly owned wealth of European nations. 在当前文化全球化的时代背景下,各民族间的文化相互渗透和融合的趋势愈来愈强。
- In terms of ethical literary criticism, the reader can re-recognize the ethical literary value of ancient Greek mythologies. 用文学伦理学批评方法研究古希腊神话,将使读者重新认识希腊神话的文学与伦理价值。
- Humanism in Ancient Greek Mythology and its Impact on Western Culture 古希腊神话的人本精神及对西方文化的影响
- Ancient Greek Mythology: Poetics and Theology as Two Opposites in Unity 古希腊神话:诗学与神学的二元对立
- The ancient Greek mythologies, as the oldest form of oral literature, preserve the samples of human nature in its most original and natural way, which embodies apparent ethical and moral tendency. 摘要作为最古老的口头文学的古希腊神话,保留了最原始、最自然的人性标本,蕴涵着明显的伦理道德倾向。
- The dialect of ancient Greek used in Arcadia. 阿卡迪亚语在阿卡迪亚使用的古希腊方言
- The Selene name comes from Greek mythology. 酒庄名称”瑟琳”来自希腊神话中的三位月亮女神。
- The Historical Cradle and Spiritual Source of Western Culture--On Nationality and Modernity of Ancient Greek Mythology 西方文明的历史摇篮和精神源泉--试论希腊神话和传说的民族性与现代性
- Discussing Simply the Sameness and Difference of the Ancient China Myth and the Ancient Greek Mythology 浅谈中国上古神话和古希腊神话之异同