- Ancient documentary evidence 古代书证
- Documentary evidence by which one can defend a title to property or a claim to rights. 契据人们能够用来保护财产所有权或权利要求的书面证据
- You disclosed your documentary evidence to American newspapermen. 你对美国新闻界人士透露了你的档案材料。
- I saw some documentary evidence before I left Moscow. 我离开莫斯科前看到过一些档案材料。
- Origin criteria; Consignment conditions; Documentary evidence. 原产地标准;运输条件;书面证明。
- The first documentary evidence of Munich as a city dates back to 1214. 关于慕尼黑作为城市的最早文献记载可追溯至1214年。
- Documentary evidence and testimony by staff that dealt with the items still appears to be needed. 与之相关的文件记录证据或者人员的证词仍然显得必要。
- Capital Verification Report at start-up or other relevant documentary evidence at its start-up. 开办时的验资报告或者有关证明文件。
- Documentary evidence that title to personal property (chattels) has passed to the Purchaser for valuable consideration. 证明个人物业(动产)产权转移给买方的文件。
- Furnish all such information and documentary evidence as the Insurers may require. 提供保险人所需的情况、资料、单证。
- Your English level should be recorded in documentary evidence, for example in the form of a test score. 您的英语水平应该以文件类的材料加以证明,例如,考试成绩单。
- Furnish all such information and documentary evidence as the Company may require for supporting the claim. 根据本公司的要求提供作为索赔依据的所有证明文件、资料和单据。
- The confiscation of dangerous goods be forfeited to produce documentary evidence. 没收危险品时,应向被没收人出具书面证明。
- The consumer should above three documents and the defray expenses documentary evidence preserve well. 消费者应把以上三项文件及支付费用的单据妥善保存。
- Yet, I hold the documentary evidence in my hand that someone has prostituted her work. 现在我手头掌握了大量的证据说明有人散发了她过去的文章。
- An application that provides all of the information and documentary evidence required to decide the visa application, at the time of lodgement. 在递交是提供了签证申请所有需要的材料和信息。
- Details of relevant tertiary qualifications Documentary evidence issued by the appropriate university should accompany the application. 就读院校出剧的书面证明。
- It will be important that you provide full documentary evidence to back up statements made on the form if you wish us to count the points claimed. 很重要的是你要提供全部的文件证明,以支持你在表格中希望我们计分的要求。
- Ref Howard Webb missed the specific incident involving Eboue and Bridge but the FA used video and documentary evidence to charge the Gunners player. 霍华德遗漏了有关埃布埃和布里奇的事件,不过足总根据录影片段及书面证供已起诉这名兵工厂球员。
- It was not based on a supernaturally revealed body of scripture, and hence very little written documentary evidence survives. 它并不是建立在一个超自然显示肉身的手稿上,因此非常少写到得救的书面证明。