- Andres homoarecoline 高槟榔碱
- I'm yhe handy hero andr my name isx Holly. 我是聪明的小英雄,我的名字叫郝莉。
- Ther is a also good news on Andr? 奥耶尔也有好消息。
- Helich rysurn bracteaturn (Vent.) Andr. 蜡菊
- Carlos Andres Perez has been sworn in as Venezuela's new president. 卡洛斯·德烈斯·雷斯已宣誓就职成为委内瑞拉新任总统。
- Spanish Primera Liga player Andres, D'Alessandro and former U. 由于传递线路周围人流涌动,遍地都是欢迎圣火的人群,导致交通阻塞,火炬接力进展缓慢。
- San Andres Islands, north of Colombia, easily reached by plane. 圣安德烈斯群岛,北部的哥伦比亚,很容易到达的飞机。
- Andres Nocioni: He's not only tough, but also ornery. 安德烈-诺奇奥尼:他不仅仅是强硬的,而且脾气暴躁。
- The propagation technology of Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. 牡丹繁殖技术。
- The Ultrastructural Aspect of Tapetum in Paeonia Suffruticosa Andr. 牡丹绒毡层的超微结构。
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Begonia evansiana Andr. 秋海棠化学成分的研究
- Karyotype analysis of Reineckia carnea (Andr) Kunth (Liliaceae). 吉祥草染色体核型的研究.
- Andres had flattened at the click, the top of his head hard against the ground. 安德烈斯听到枪栓声,立刻卧倒,头顶狠狠地抵住地面。
- Studies on vascular system anatomy of the flower of Musa coccinea Andr. 红蕉花部维管束系统的解剖学研究。
- A primary study on chromosome and its variation of Vanilla planifolia Andr. 墨西哥香荚兰染色体及其变异的研究初报。
- Title: Propagation of Chinese tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. 关键词:牡丹,繁殖,种子,嫁接,分株,组织培养
- Not long ago, I was date with a lady, andr the ideaas came from mylwife. 不久以前,我和另一位女士约会,其实那还是我妻子的主意,
- Barcelona are set to hand Andres Iniesta a bumper new deal to fend off potential interest from Chelsea. 针对来自切尔西挖角威胁,巴萨已经向伊涅斯塔提供了一份数额可观的新合同。
- He sends a young guerilla named Andres with a message of warning for the Republican commander, General Golz. 他派遣一个名叫安德烈斯的年轻游击队员,给共和国军队指挥官戈尔兹将军送去一封警报信。
- "Daddy of them all? They are not even my illegitimate children" - Andres Segovia (on George Harrison's comment. 翻译:"他们所有人的父亲?他们甚至不是我的私生子..."-A.塞戈维亚