- That's exactly what Andrew Carnegie did. 那就是安德鲁卡内基做的事。
- Andrew Carnegie started out as a bobbin boy in a cotton factory. 卡耐基开始工作时是在一家棉纺厂当线轴工。
- Despite rumors, he wasn?t related to steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. 尽管有传闻,他和钢铁巨头安德鲁卡耐基并无亲缘关系。
- My first sign fortunately met Andrew Carnegie in Pittsburgh. 我第一次幸运的遇到安德鲁.;卡内基是在匹兹堡。
- Despite rumors, he wasn? t related to steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. 尽管有传闻,他和钢铁巨头安德鲁卡耐基并无亲缘关系。
- Few Americans have been left untouched by Andrew Carnegie's generosity. 安德鲁 - 卡内基的慷慨大度几乎影响到每个美国人的生活。
- The secret was brought to my attention by Andrew Carnegie, more than a quarter of a century ago. 50多年前,卡内基先生最先让我注意到这个致富秘诀。
- I accepted Andrew Carnegie's commission to organize and publish the principles of success when I was a law student at Georgetown University. 当我还在乔治城大学就读法律系时,就已接受安德鲁·卡内基委托出版一本关于成功哲学的书。
- The secret was brought to my attention by Andrew Carnegie,more than a quarter of a century ago. 50多年前,卡内基先生最先让我注意到这个致富秘诀。
- The Master Mind principle, or rather the economic feature of it, was first called to my attention by Andrew Carnegie, over twenty-five years ago. 我头一次注意到智囊团原理的经济面特征,是25年前卡内基引发的。
- Among the giants were Jay Gould, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford. 这些人中有杰伊 - 古尔德、J - P - 摩根、安德鲁。 卡内基、约翰 - D - 洛克菲勒和亨利 - 福特等。
- The Master Mind principle,or rather the economic feature of it,was first called to my attention by Andrew Carnegie,over twenty-five years ago. 我头一次注意到智囊团原理的经济面特征,是25年前卡内基引发的。
- In an essay called" The Gospel of Wealth," Andrew Carnegie discussed his views on wealth, the public good, and individualism. 交响乐队是由许多不同的铜乐器,木管乐器,打击乐器,弦乐器组成。
- Andrew Carnegie once told me of a worldwide search he conducted for his chief chemist.His scouts found brilliant man working for a German firm. 卡内基曾经告诉我,他找寻一位首席化学家的故事:经过全球探访后,他找到一位当时在一家德国公司任职的化学家,
- However, the greatest supporter of public libraries was Andrew Carnegie, who helped to finance over 380 libraries in Britain. 然而,公共图书馆最伟大的支持者是安德鲁.;卡耐基,他在英国帮助投资了超过380家图书馆。
- However,the greatest supporter of public libraries was Andrew Carnegie, who helped to finance over 380libraries in Britain. 然而,公共图书馆最伟大的支持者是安德鲁.;卡耐基,他在英国帮助投资了超过380家图书馆。
- Andrew Carnegie's life again provides an excellent examples.Once he knew he wanted to make steel,he fed that desire until it was the driving force in his life. 卡内基就是一个很好的例子,当他决定要制造钢铁时,脑海中便不时闪现此一欲望,并变成他生命的动力。
- Andrew Carnegie's life again provides an excellent examples. Once he knew he wanted to make steel,he fed that desire until it was the driving force in his life. 卡内基就是一个很好的例子,当他决定要制造钢铁时,脑海中便不时闪现此一欲望,并变成他生命的动力。
- Andrew Carnegie, known as the King of Steel, built the steel industry in the United States, and, in the process, became one of the wealthiest men in America. 被称做钢铁大王的安德鲁 - 卡内基在美国建立了钢铁工业。 在这个过程中,他变成了美国最富有的人之一。
- After retiring in 1901 at the age of 66 as the world's richest man, Andrew Carnegie wanted to become a philanthropist, a person who gives money to good causes. 1901年,现年66岁且为世上首富的安德鲁卡内基自工作岗位上退休后,想要成为一位慈善家,一位因好的理想而捐赠金钱的人。