- Angle of arch rib inclination 倾角
- Effect of Sloping Angle of Arch Rib on Stability for CFST Arch Bridge 钢管混凝土拱桥拱肋侧倾角对稳定性影响的研究
- oblique angle of arch rib 拱肋倾角
- Lifting of arch rib for pipe bridge 管桥肋拱的吊装施工
- Study on the stability influence of the angle of toe-in of the arch rib 提篮式拱桥拱肋内倾角对横向稳定性的影响
- Study of Effect of Arch Rib Tilting Angle on Stability of Long Span Basket Handle Arch 大跨径提篮拱的拱肋侧倾角对稳定性影响的研究
- She hit her knee against the angle of the bed. 她的膝盖撞到床角上了。
- Construction Technology of Arch Rib Made of Steel Tube and Concrete 钢管混凝土拱肋施工技术
- Design of Arch Rib Reinforcement for Steel Tubular Concrete Tied Arch Bridge 某钢管混凝土系杆拱桥拱肋加固方案的设计
- The earth's axis is titled at an angle of about 231. 地轴倾斜成约二百三十一度角。
- The angles of a triangle total 180. 三角形的三角之和等于180°。
- The Analysis of Calculating Methods on Rigid Degree of Arch Rib for Steel-concrete Pipe Arch Bridge 钢管混凝土拱桥拱肋刚度计算取值分析
- The two roads lie at an angle of about45 degrees. 这两条路交叉成45度角。
- Design and construction of scaffolding used in casting of main arch rib of arch bridge in-place 拱桥主拱肋现浇膺架设计与施工
- The angle of projection affects the answer. 抛射角对结果有影响。
- Detection of Arch Rib Concrete Density of a Concrete- filled Steel Pipe Arch Bridge 钢管混凝土拱桥拱肋混凝土密实性检测
- The angle of inclination from the vertical of a vein,fault,or lode. 倾斜余角因矿脉,断层或矿井倾斜而与垂直面形成的角度
- The two roads lie at an angle of about 45 degrees. 这两条路交叉成45度角。
- Effect of Arch Rib Construction Errors on Mechanical Properties of Double X-Shape Arch Bridge 拱肋施工偏差对斜靠式拱桥力学性能的影响
- The angle ??is the angle of departure. ?蛭0发射角。