- The long, silky hair of the Angora goat. 马海毛安哥拉山羊的长而柔软的毛
- The long,silky hair of the Angora goat. 马海毛安哥拉山羊的长而柔软的毛
- The long.silky hair of the Angora goat. 马海毛安哥拉山羊的长而柔软的毛
- The tetraploid with the occurrence rates 2.5% was observed in Angora goat. 研究发现 ;安哥山羊存在 2 .;5%25的四倍体。
- The results showed that the number of the chromosomes in Angora goat was2n=60,female goat were 60,XX and 60,XY. 结果表明 ,安哥拉山羊染色体数目为 2 n=60。
- The similar coeffcients in population of Angora goat, F 2,F 3 were 0.4539,0.4077,0.61111 respectively. 群体内相似系数安哥拉山羊为0 .;4 539;F2 为 0
- The 2.3kb band and the 8.6kb band are believed to be the specific bands of Angora goat. 在安哥拉山羊DNA指纹图谱中 ;发现 2 .;3Kb和 8
- Anglo Angora goats produce mohair. 安哥拉山羊产的是马海毛。
- The fleece yield of F 4 was 1.42 kg, which was close to Angora goat(1.64 kg) ( P >0.01). F4 的周岁产毛量为 1 .;42 kg;与安哥拉山羊 (1
- Angola Angora goats are also popular show animals. 安哥拉山羊也是最受欢迎的表演动物。
- Angora goats are also popular show animals. 美国是马海毛的主要产地之一,产品大部分出口。
- The results showed that, in the blood of Angora goat and high filial generation, Alb,Pr,Pa,LDH,Amy were monomorphic, Tf? Hp? 结果表明 :安哥拉山羊与F3 血液Alb、Pr、Pa、LDH、Amy呈单态 ,Tf、Hp、Hb、Akp呈多态 ;
- The paternily (W) of parent offspring evalution was 0.9889. The 2.3kb and 8.6kb atlas bands were specilic atlas band of Angora goat as compared with Jianchang black goat. 亲子鉴定的父权概率W =0 .;9889; 安哥拉山羊与建昌黑山羊比较;2
- The DNA fingerprint atlas of Angora goat, Jianchang black goat, and their F 2,F 3generations were established by using (CA/GATA/TCC) 5 probe and HinI enzyme. 以 (CA/GATA/TCC) 5探针 ,HinfI酶切 ,研究安哥拉山羊和建昌黑山羊及安哥拉山羊与建昌黑山羊级进杂交的F2 、F3的DNA指纹图谱。
- The DNA fingerprint atlas of Angora goat, Jianchang black goat,and their F 2,F 3 generations have been established by using(CA/GATA/TCC) 5 as a probe and Hinfi enzyme cutting. 以 (CA/GATA/TCC) 5探针 ;HinfI酶切 ;研究安哥拉山羊与建昌黑山羊杂交的亲本及其F2 、F3 的DNA指纹图谱 .
- There are 18 counties in North-West Region of Sicbuan possessing the ecological factors that are necessary to the Angora goat and could be selected for the introduction. 四川西北部有理县等18个县属于干旱区或半干旱区,具有安哥拉山羊所要求的生态条件,可供引种时选用。
- An Angora goat. 安哥拉羊
- Six genotypes (AA, BB, CC, AB, AC and BC) were detected in Angora goats. 在安哥拉山羊中检测到AA、BB、CC、AB、AC和BC共6种基因型。
- And PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSCP was used to detect genetic diversity of five goat breeds (including Xinong Saanen dairy goat, Guanzhong dairy goat, Shaanan White goat, Angora goat and Boer goat) . 同时,还利用PCR-RFLP和PCR-SSCP方法分别检测了西农萨能奶山羊、关中奶山羊、陕南白山羊、安哥拉山羊和布尔山羊5个山羊品种共计175个个体的10个基因座的遗传多态性,为山羊品种资源保护和畜牧业的发展提供资料。 本论文通过上述研究首次取得了以下结果:西农萨能奶山羊的PCR-RFLP研究
- The results showed that: upgrading with Angora goat as sire and Shaanbei local goat as dam, the fleece characters and yield of F 3 were similar to Angora goat. When upgrading F 4, the number content of med. 结果表明 :安哥拉山羊与陕北本地山羊级进杂交 ,级进后代被毛特性及产量到 F3与安哥拉山羊已基本相似。