- Anisotropy microstrucure 细观各向异性
- P-wave velocity analysis in anisotropy medium. 各向异性介质纵波速度分析。
- Retrieves or sets the maximum anisotropy. 检索或设置最大各向异性。
- The effect of caprock anisotropy on time-lapse seismic AVO. 盖层各向异性对时移地震AVO的影响
- Formation anisotropy exists commonly in carbonate reservoir. 碳酸盐岩储层中普遍存在各向异性。
- On the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of rare earth in RCo5[J]. 引用该论文 孙峪怀;刘福生.
- Anisotropy is one of the main characteristics of HTS different from LTS. 各向异性是高温超导体区别于传统低温超导体的最重要特性之一。
- The anisotropy associated with the earth's rotation results in a slight deflexion of the ray paths. 与地转有关的不均匀性会导致波向线产生轻微的偏转。
- In dealing with crystals we must generalize these latter equations so as to take account of anisotropy. 研究晶体时,必须推广这后一个方程组,以便将各向异性考虑在内。
- The influence of the disturbing and anisotropy on dendrite growth has been investigated. 研究了噪声和各向异性等参数对晶粒形貌的影响。
- The anisotropy of the thermal conductivity is essentially independent of the temperature not up to 200-300 C. 如果温度不超过200-300℃,则热导率的各向异性现象基本上与温度无关。
- An Anisotropy Correction Method for All-Sky Measurements of Diffuse UV-B Erythemal Irradiance. 红斑辐照度全天候观测的各向异性订正方法。
- Brinson and his associates have also shown that material anisotropy exerts an effect on plastic-zone shapes. Brinson和他的合作者还表明,材料各向导性对塑性区的形状会产生影响。
- For their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation. 大意是因为他们发现了宇宙微波背景辐射的黑体形式和各向异性。
- In the case of general anisotropy it is coupled with the ordinary plane strain problem. 在一般各向异性情况下,它与普通手面应变问题综合在一起了。
- To describe the anisotropy of microdamage of the crust block, we use the damage tensor that is expressed in the fissure density. 为描述地壳块体微损伤的各向异性,引入裂纹密度表示的损伤张量形式。
- The anisotropy which is neglected in CFT calculations is considered in ab initio ones . 进一步计算杂质Cr3十进入A12O3后对周围晶格的影响,发现Cr3+对其第三近邻原子的影响仍不可忽略。
- The anisotropy, considered, is of general type and attenuating waves in the medium were treated as inhomogeneous waves. 考虑一般类型的各向异性,并且介质中的衰减波作为非均质波处理。
- The planar orientation of fibers may occur after the flow molding of GMT, which can result in anisotropy molded parts. GMT材料流动成型后玻纤在平面内发生取向 ,导致模压件呈各向异性。