- Annona atemoya Mabberley 阿蒂莫耶番荔枝
- Annona atemoya Hort. 阿蒂莫耶番荔枝
- Annona atemoya Hort cv.African Pride AP番荔枝
- The soldiers were paid from the annona. 士兵的饷金来自谷物税。
- Preliminary Study on Tissue Culture of Annona squamosa L. 番荔枝组织培养初步研究。
- AIM:To study the chemical constituents from the seeds of Annona glabra Linn. 目的:研究光叶番荔枝种子的化学成分。
- The fruit of any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona having soft edible pulp. 几种热带美洲番荔枝科树的果实,果肉柔软可食。
- A tropical American tree(Annona cherimola) having heart-shaped,edible fruits with green skin and white,aromatic flesh. 切里墓亚番荔枝美洲热带地区乔木(毛叶番荔枝),结可食的心形果实,果皮为绿色,果肉白色且有香气。
- The answer revealed in prior to this year's competition you do Annona resolution, was renamed as: forward-looking. 在谜底揭晓前,先来对今年的竞争形势做番解析吧,美其名曰:前瞻。
- They were responsible not only for regulating the amount but also for the distribution of the annona. 他们不仅负责规定税额,也负责分配谷物税款。
- He made the annona a regular instead of an extraordinary tax, and he imposed, as was perfectly fair, on all parts of the Empire. 他将谷物税确定为常规而非特别税种,并将之公平地分派给帝国的各个部分。
- This tax consisted of two distinct parts, the ground tax proper, which represented the old tributum imposed on conquered territories, and the annona. 这一税种包括两个独立部分:象征向被征服土地征税的地产税以及谷物税。
- The development of annona fruit production is restricted due to the difficulty in fresh-keeping of the fruits during storage and transportation. 摘要番荔枝果实采后难以贮藏保鲜的特性制约著我国番荔枝产业的进一步发展。
- A tropical American tree(Annona cherimola) having heart-shaped, edible fruits with green skin and white, aromatic flesh. 切里墓亚番荔枝美洲热带地区乔木(毛叶番荔枝),结可食的心形果实,果皮为绿色,果肉白色且有香气。
- Other alcohol extracts such as those of Annona squamosa L, Cananga odorata (Lamk.), Mitrephora thorelii Pierre also showed a good repellence effect with their IIPC below 0.3. 就各种植物乙醇提取物对小菜蛾各龄幼虫的拒食作用来说,番荔枝提取物的拒食作用比其它另外四种提取物的拒食率高。
- The volatile substances of the fruit seeds in Annona squamosa was extracted with solvent,and analyzed by combined capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. 用溶剂萃取法提取樟林番荔枝果实种子中的挥发性物质;测定出其挥发油质量分数为13.;3%25;
- OBJECTIVE To establish a HPLC-ELSD method for determining the contents of ent-kaurane diterpenes in Genus annona barks from different locations or species. 目的建立一种HPLC-ELSD分析方法,测定不同产地、不同种番荔枝属植物树皮中4种贝壳杉烷型二萜的含量。
- Annona Linn. 番荔枝属
- Annona muricata Linn. 刺番荔枝
- Annona spp. 番荔枝