- Her mother is a woman with great refinement. 她母亲是一个非常文雅的女人。
- Annotation refinement 标注改善
- Good manners and correct speech are marks of refinement. 彬彬有礼和谈吐得体是文雅的标志。
- Lacking good manners, culture, or refinement. 粗鲁的缺乏良好的举止,文化,或修养的
- Schema: missing annotation '%1' on node '%2'. 架构: 节点 '%252' 上缺少批注 '%251'。
- Lacking tact, refinement, or taste. 粗野的缺乏机智、文雅或品味的
- Schema: unknown annotation '%1' on '%2' node. 架构: '%252' 节点上包含未知的批注 '%251'。
- Sensitivity of perception, discrimination, or taste; refinement. 敏锐,敏感洞察力、辨别力或品味的敏感; 精密
- To denote the second annotation, and so on. 表示第二个注释等来指定变量。
- Marked by refinement in taste and manners; cultured; polished. 高尚的,有教养的品味和举止优雅的; 有文化的; 有修养的
- No annotation mark has been selected. 未选定批注标记。
- Annotation can come into existence in two ways. 注释可以有两种表现方式。
- See Section 9.0 for annotation instructions. 见第9.;0章注释仪表。
- Characterized by weakness and excessive refinement. 柔弱的以纤弱和过于纤细为特征的
- Please Attachment Chinese Annotation at back,OK? 请在后面附加上中文注释,好不?
- A refinement of the calculation is warranted. 计算的精度是可靠的。
- This is usually an unnecessary refinement. 这通常不必过分精细。
- She could not stand his lack of refinement. 她不能忍受他的粗俗无礼。
- Deficient in taste, delicacy, or refinement. 不优雅的,粗鲁的品味、格调或教养不高的
- A good horse Women annot be ofr a badvolour. 良马的毛色不会差。