- Anopheles maculipalpis [医] 斑须按蚊
- Anopheles mosquitos transmit malaria. 疟蚊传播疟疾。
- Thai Anopheles should Expo, the article. 应泰嗜博览,工文章。
- In turn by Anopheles vagus, An.tesselletus, An.minimus ,... 结论当地人房群落蚊种较丰富,群落组成和结构复杂。
- Methods:Observation on the population and ecology of Anopheles. 方法:对按蚊种群生态观察。
- The female Anopheles mosquito takes blood from its victims mainly at night. 药物能杀死人体内的疟原虫,阻止其进入血液甚至肝脏繁殖。
- Carried by the female anopheles mosquito, malaria is a disease of the poor. 疟疾由雌性疟蚊传播,是穷人的疾病。
- They are transmitted to humans by the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. 透过疟蚊属蚊叮咬传递至人类体内。
- To prove the point, his team is breeding millions of Anopheles mosquitoes (pictured above) and infecting them with malaria-causing parasites. 为了证明他的想法可行,他的研究组开始培养数百万的疟蚊(如上图所示)并将它们感染引起疟疾的寄生虫。
- Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites which thrie in humans and are passed between them by female Anopheles mosquitoes. 疟疾由疟原虫引起,这种原虫在人体内繁殖,并通过雌性按蚊传播。
- Objective To analyze the genetic characteristics of deltamethrin resistant strain of Anopheles anthropophagus. 目的对实验室选育的嗜人按蚊抗溴氰菊酯品系进行抗性遗传特性分析。
- Any of various mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, which can carry the malaria parasite and transmit the disease to human beings. 疟蚊一种疟蚊属的蚊子,带有疟疾寄生虫并把疾病传播到人身上
- Aim To investigate the characteristics of life table of Anopheles sinensis in different areas. 目的:比较不同地区中华按蚊生命表的特性。
- Results: Anopheles sinensis was the only vector and was not Anopheles anthropophagus , nay. 结果:未发现嗜人按蚊,中华按蚊为舟山市唯一传疟媒介,且为非优势蚊种。
- People get malaria from Anopheles mosquitoes that themselves are infected with a protozoan parasite called Plasmodium. 人们从疟蚊感染了疟疾,它们被感染的原生动物寄生虫称为疟原虫。
- Objective: Probing into the blood-sucking habit of Anopheles anthropophagus and Anopheles sinensis . 目的:探讨横琴开发区嗜人按蚊和中华按蚊吸血习性。
- So it is feasible to study serine protease of Anopheles dirus with antiserum against Manduca serine protease. 这将为下一步从蛋白水平研究大劣按蚊丝氨酸蛋白酶的生物学特性奠定基础。
- A female Anopheles mosquito acts as a deadly hypodermic, injecting the malaria parasite when she feeds on human blood. 当一只雌性疟蚊在吸食人血的时候,就像通过皮下注射传播疟疾病毒。
- No Anopheles species is infected with Wolbachia, so some thought this impossible. 沃巴赫菌没有感染过任何一种按蚊,因此有些人认为这是不可能的事。
- These tools were used to do study on life table of natural population of Anopheles sinensis. 应用这些工具进行了自然界中华按蚊种群生命表的研究。