- Anthology of Classical Prose 古文辞类纂
- An analogous unit or division of classical Greek or Latin prose. 诗文的划分古希腊或拉丁散文中类似的分段
- His writings are full of classical allusions. 他的著作里用了很多典故。
- An analogousunit or division of classical Greek or Latin prose. 诗文的划分古希腊或拉丁散文中类似的分段。
- While Cyril Birch has edited and authored a number of general anthologies of Chinese literature, his favourite genre remains that of classical drama. 白之虽然曾经编著许多中国文学的诗文选集,但所有文学类型中,他最喜爱的还是古典戏剧。
- He edited that anthology of poems. 那本诗集由他主编。
- An Anthology of Marxist Classics ? 马克思主义经典著作选读
- Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music. 贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师。
- Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces Vol. 诺顿世界大师作品集。
- In The Norton Anthology of Poetry. 4th ed. 选自《诺顿诗选》(第四版)。
- I have an anthology of modern quotations. 我有一本现代名言集萃。
- A handful of sand is an anthology of the universe. 一把沙就是宇宙的一本选集。
- The temple has been considered an example of classic design. 人们认为这座神庙是古典式设计的范例。
- The ancient style of classical tragedy. 古悲剧体古典悲剧的古老体例
- The Book of Songs is the first anthology of verse in China. 《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,
- A buskin worn by actors of classical tragedy. 厚底靴古典悲剧中演员所穿的厚底靴
- He hates this particular piece of classical music. 他特别讨厌这段古典乐。
- What sort of classic the concert will have tonight? 今晚音乐会上将有哪种古典音乐?
- Classical Chinese literature: an anthology of translations edited by John Minford and Joseph S. M. Lau. 这是一本研究中国古典文学的书;收藏在美国哈佛大学燕京图书馆.
- He seems to be fond of classical literature. 他似乎很喜欢古典文学。