- Shock Troops are very effective due to good Anti Armor weapons and high maneuverability. 由于良好的反装甲武器和机动性,震波部队相当的有效。
- A small rounded and domed structure, as for observation, on a tracked, armored vehicle. 旋转炮塔用于观察等的小型圆形或半圆形建筑物,装在有履带的装甲车上
- The M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank is our heavy armor.It has fearsome firepower, great armor, and is pretty much the king of armored vehicle combat. M1A1主战坦克是我们的重型装甲载具,令人生畏的火力、不同寻常的装甲以及漂亮的外形,让它不负战场装甲之王的盛名。
- The combat arm that deploys armored vehicles, such as tanks. 装甲部队部署装甲车辆的战斗部队,如坦克
- The Quality improvement engineer is with responsibility for organization the Launch vehicle evaluation,TCF inspection,end of line inspection,drive test,vehicle inspection and after shipping or after sale concerns implement and improve action. 作为质量改进工程师,负责组织实施对新品评价、总装检查、检测线测试、道路试验、用户终验收、售前售后全过程的质量改进。
- The three armored vehicle classes are light, medium, and heavy. These classifications are given based upon two things: The armor of the vehicle and the armament. 装甲类载具根据装甲强度和装备武器分为三类:轻型、中型和重型。
- Designed for combat or defense against armored vehicles, especially tanks. 防坦克的设计用来战斗或抵御尤其是坦克的武装车辆
- The armored vehicles of an army. 军队的装甲车辆
- ARMVAL (Anti-Armor Vehicle Evaluation) 反装甲车评价
- Study of Parameters Test and Evaluation of Environment-adjustability of an Amphibious Armor Vehicle 两栖装甲装备车内环境的测试与分析
- A defensive encampment encircled by armored vehicles or wagons. 车阵由装甲车或是货车围成一圈而形成的防御性营地
- Rapid Aerospace Vehicle Evaluation System 航空航天飞机快速鉴定系统
- The combat arm that deploys armored vehicles,such as tanks. 装甲部队部署装甲车辆的战斗部队,如坦克。
- Advanced Antiarmor Vehicle Evaluation Test 高级反装甲车辆鉴定试验
- A small rounded and domed structure,as for observation,on a tracked,armored vehicle. 旋转炮塔用于观察等的小型圆形或半圆形建筑物,装在有履带的装甲车上。
- They surrounded the building with tanks and armored vehicles. 他们用坦克和装甲车包围了大楼。
- HE/VT is also effective against stationary armored vehicles. 高爆/变时弹对静止的装甲车也有效。
- Conclusion This standard is suitable for hygienic evaluation in demonstration,design,test,acceptance check,and use of the armored vehicles. s-1。 结论该标准适用于装甲车辆的论证、设计、试验、验收和使用的卫生评价。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- A German armored vehicle, such as a tank, especially of the type used during World War II. 装甲车一种德国装甲车辆,例如坦克,尤指用于二战时期的类型