- Antibody - Immunogiobulin G 结核抗体(Tb-Ab-IgG)
- hen egg immunogiobulin G(IgY) 鸡卵黄IgC(IgY)
- The attraction between an antigen and an antibody. 化合力抗原和抗体之间的相互吸引
- Our end product is an anti-cancer antibody. 我们的最终产品是一种抗癌抗体。
- She fag(g)oted all the newspapers together. 她把所有的报纸都捆在一起。
- At this point the music modulates from E to G. 在这一点上,音乐变E调为G调。
- At this point the music modulates from C to G. 在此处音乐从C调转到G调。
- At this point the music modulates from E to G . 在这一点上,音乐变E调为G调。
- How do you pronounce p - h - l - e - g - m ? 你怎样读“p-h-l-e-g-m”这个单词?
- These are the antibody molecules. 这些是抗体微小颗粒。
- Theorem g is called binomial theorem. 定理g称为二项式定理。
- Shanghai Asia United Antibody Medical Co., Ltd. 上海亚联抗体医药有限公司。
- Sonata for Bassoon and Piano G minor. 卡伯瑞拉:G小调大管奏鸣曲(钢琴伴奏版).
- Study on the monoclonal antibody to chlorpyrifos. 抗毒死蜱单克隆抗体的研制。
- At this point the players have to modulate from E to G. 这时演奏者必须由E调转到G调。
- Antibody mediated phagocytosis by macrophages. 抗体介导的巨噬细胞吞噬的测定。
- The antibody level was reduced by 10 percent. 抗体浓度降低了百分之十。
- That's right. It's h - u - a - n - g. 对的。我姓黄。
- Can. Unless he has second liver antibody. 会.;除非他有乙肝抗体
- In exchange,P & G offers its employees many things. 反过来,宝洁公司给其员工提供许多优厚的待遇。