- Any number of free ringtone 几个歌手的网站
- By extension, an array of any number of dimensions. 广义来说,矩阵可以是任意维数的数组。
- There are any number of reasons for doing this. 要做这件事情的理由是很多的。
- They have any number of schemes of this sort. 这一大套计划,都是有的。
- She has any number of things she must do today. 她今天有数不清的事要做。
- The school funds a set number of free places. 学校资助固定数目的免费生。
- I've told you any number of times not to do that. 我已多次告诫你别那么做。
- The number of free buffer elements in the MTA pool. MTA池中的可用缓冲区元素数。
- Any number of elements is permitted. 元素数目不限。
- The number of free buffer headers in the MTA pool. MTA池中的可用缓冲区头数。
- There are any number of improbabilities. 不合情理的地方多不胜举。
- Average number of free bytes on the pages scanned. 扫描的页上平均可用字节数。
- There may be any number of robots on a team. 各队机器人数量不限。
- A supplier can supply any number of products. 供应商可以提供任意数量的产品。
- Sustainable tourism can take any number of forms. 可持续性的旅游事业可采取多种形式。
- This information can be used any number of ways. 这个信息有多种用处。
- A customer can place any number of orders. 客户可以签署任意数量的订单。
- You can have any number of point clouds in a scene. 当发射粒子时,在场景中可以有多个点云存在。
- A user can belong to any number of groups. 翻译:一个用户可以隶属于任何数量的组。
- A bowstring of any number of strands. 一條弓弦可以使用任何股數。