- Applaud It While It Lasts 为结果欢呼
- Make yourself at home and eat it while it's hot. 大家趁热吃,别客气。
- Don't be sad about graduating from college. It'll be fun while it lasts. 不要因为毕业伤心,没有不散的筵席。
- They had a gay old time while it lasted. 他们生逢盛世,享尽了清福。
- Don't let your dinner get cold,ie Eat it while it is still warm. 不要让饭凉了(趁热吃)。
- Just make yourself at home and eat it while it's hot. 请随便用,趁热吃。
- It was a gravy train while it lasted, but it was unsustainable. 现在他们还能趁机捞一把,但这将不会长久了。
- Physical compulsion or restraint was effectual, of course, while it lasted. 当然,体罚和管束在施行的当时还是有效的。
- It comes enjoy it while it remains, but spend no time worrying about its departure. 有爱时,好好地把握,并享受它,但不要把时间浪费在忧处它会离去。
- Interflow appears on upland slope in rainy season.Saturation zone at deeper layer of down slope lasts longer time after a rain event while it lasts shorter or no at up slope. 旱坡地在雨季有壤中流产生,坡下降雨后深层出现较长时间的饱和区,而坡上深层水势出现较短时间的饱和区或未出现变化;
- I'll think about it while I have a chew. 我吃饭时会想想看。
- The pilot saw that his plane was out of control and ejected from it while it was still possible to do so. 飞行员发现飞机失去控制时,趁还来得及时赶紧从飞机里弹射出来。
- Their cat snuffed it last Friday. 他家的猫上星期五死了。
- Curing a man of prostate cancer depends on detecting it while it's still small and confined to the gland. 要把男性的前列腺痛治好,就需要在癌病灶还小并且只局限在腺体时把它检查出来。
- When you check out a file, you are the only person who can change it while it is checked out to you. 如果您签出文件,则在签出期间,您是唯一能够更改此文件的人。
- My father wrote an article and made a night of it last night. 我父亲写一篇文章,昨天晚上干了一夜。
- Strike the iron while it is hot. 趁热打铁。
- Eat up the dinner while it is still warm. 趁饭还热,快把它吃完。
- Last time he had a mad on, it lasted for days. 他上次生气,连续几天没消气。
- On the other hand, Russia is worried about it while it supports the Policy, because the Policy may bring some problems to Russian diplomatism and its international status. 欧盟共同安全与防务政策将促进欧俄关系发展,但由于它可能给俄罗斯外交和国际地位带来某些问题,俄在支持它的同时,不免会有一定的隐忧。