- Watch foliaceous plant to much, should stop apply nitrogenous fertilizer, chase after appropriately apply potash fertilizer of a few low pH indicator, with increasing flowers fight cold sex. 对大部分观叶植物,要停施氮肥,适当追施一些低浓度的钾肥,以增加花卉的抗寒性。
- Test on applying potash fertilizer measures of cotton in damp farm soil 潮土耕地棉花钾肥施用技术的试验研究
- Field Effect Experiment on Applying Potash Fertilizer and Covering Grass in Cultivation of Edible Abelmoschus 黄秋葵增施磷钾肥及盖草田间效果试验
- Applying potash fertilizer 钾肥施用
- Potassium-feldspar is a main resource of potash fertilizer. 钾长石分解制钾肥是钾肥制造的一条重要途径。
- When the first flowers show, give the plants some potash fertilizer. 当第一朵花开的时候,给植物施一些钾肥。
- Capacity of the soil to retain and store potash fertilizer in plant-available form. 土壤保持和贮存钾肥呈植物有效态的能力。
- After blossomming every time, should chase after apply nitrogen, phosphor, potash fertilizer. 每次开花完后,都要追施氮、磷、钾肥。
- Among the three fertilizer of N,P,K,the potash fertilizer is mainly depended on import in our country. 我国农业生产所需的N,P,K三大肥料中,钾肥最为紧缺,主要依靠进口。
- Avoid applying potash to leaves, seeds, or roots at concentrations which will cause fertilizer-salt damage (i. E., Scorching of leaves). A. 避免把钾肥施到叶、种子或根上,因浓度过高会引起肥料盐害(如叶片焦枯)。
- The results showed that irrigation and unit potash fertilizer input have significant impact on soil salinization. 单位耕地上灌溉面积越多,耕地发生盐渍化的概率也越高;
- The larger irrigation area and potash fertilizer input per unit has,the higher soil salinization probability will be. 同时单位面积上钾肥使用量越高,耕地发生盐渍化的概率也越高。
- The chloride-free potash fertilizer include potassium sulphate,potassium nitrate,potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on. 我国目前生产的无氯钾肥主要有硫酸钾、硝酸钾和磷酸二氢钾等。
- Several methods ofproducing potash fertilizer using potassium feldspar were introduced in brief.Theiradvantages and disadvantages were also compared. 简要介绍了利用钾长石制钾肥的几种工艺方法,并比较了这些方法的利弊。
- However, no significant difference was found as to the uptake and distribution of Fe in potato with film mulch and potash fertilizer. 钾肥在成熟期之前的一段时间内能在一定程度增大铁在块茎中的分布,但是此二因素对马铃薯体内铁的影响作用均未达到一定的显著水平。
- Slowrelease fertilizer with urea as core, urea resin as binding agent and phosphate or potash fertilizer as its wrapper was prepared and tested. 制备尿素为心核,尿醛树脂为粘结剂,磷肥、钾肥为外包裹材料的缓释肥料;
- There is a rich white plate sandstone resources and abundant limestone and manufacture of potash fertilizer resources in the red oil field. 有丰富的白砂岩板材资源及丰富的石灰岩和制造钾肥的红油矿资源。
- The quantity of nitrogen fertilizer and potash fertilizer and the proportion of nitrogenous-phosphatic fertilizer were very important to the prevention and cure. 氮、钾肥的施用量及氮、磷肥的合理配施对南板蓝穿孔病的防治具有显著作用。
- There was great difference on yield increase amounts to maize for potash fertilizer on different type of soil and it increased yield by 15.1% on the black soil, 20.4% on the light chernozem soil and 38.8% on the aeolian sandy soil. 钾肥在不同类型土壤上对玉米增产数量有较大差异;在黑土上增产15.;1%25;淡黑钙土上增产20
- Preventing decrepitude, suitable nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizer respectivly will be applied after Oct. according to the growth and the concentration of N, P and K in leaves. 6月以前以有机肥、磷肥为主,施以适量速效性氮肥,10月以后应根据植株的生长状况和叶片中N、P、K含量,施用适量的N、P、K肥,防止早衰。