- Open the link with the appropriate application. 使用适当的应用程序来打开链接。
- Appropriate application of pawer can keep teams stable and motivated. 合理运用权力可以维持团队稳定,起到激励的作用;
- Propriety and logic are different things, and each has its appropriate application. 礼仪与逻辑是不同的东西,都各有其适切的运用。
- Finally this paper points out the necessity of appropriate application of mother tongue in the FLL classroom. 最后文章指出外语课堂上适当利用母语的必要性。
- In this thesis, we also investigate the appropriate application of FRAs in passive optical ring networks. 我们比较了光纤拉曼放大器以及掺铒放大器应用在被动光环网路中做为光放大器的表现。
- Otherwise, this method resolves the hyperlink, downloads the target document, and displays the document in the appropriate application. 否则,此方法解析超链接,下载目标文档并在适当的应用程序中显示文档。
- If you click on a file title link, the most recent version of that file will open, using the appropriate application (e. G. Word for Word documents). 如果点击文件标题链接,则会使用适当的应用程序打开该文件的最新版本(例如,用Word打开Word文档)。
- Appropriate application of intermediate phenotype of diseases and haplotype analyses may increase the opportunity to obtain meaningful findings in association studies. 适当的应用中间表型和单体型分析方法可以增加关联研究有意义发现的机会。
- Appropriate application of optical illusion in architecture decoration can results in special effects in decoration design and gives the impression of innovativeness. 在建筑装饰设计中合理利用视错觉,可以给设计创作带来与众不同的艺术效果,给人以标新立异的视觉感受。
- Conclusion The appropriate application of IDM in surgery of patients with parasellar tumors can help to reduce the harm to blood vessel and the complication. 结论在鞍旁肿瘤手术过程中合理应用IDM,有助于最大程度避免术中血管的损伤及减轻血管的受损伤程度,可减少术后并发症。
- Finally, the thesis concludes that appropriate application of SBI in oral class is one of the important factors in improving ESL learners" oral English performance. 最后,本文得出结论,在我国大学的口语课堂中实施恰当的以策略为基础的教学将对语言学习者的口语表现产生积极的作用并使之提高到一个新水平。
- The appropriate application on the receiving system receives the transaction and processes it successfully. The receiving system returns an applicationdependent response to the initiator. 确认回覆-应用层当接收系统上的相关应用程式接收与处理交易成功后,回应一个与应用层面相关的讯息给起始对方的应用系统知道。
- Early and appropriate application of ACV, combined with traditional Chinese medicine, laser photocoagulation and preventive vitractomy are very important in treatment of ARN at acute period. 及时、足量的抗病毒药物联合中药和激光以及预防性手术对急性期急性视网膜坏死的治疗是非常重要的。
- The index and full-text searches always apply to the currently selected %PRODUCTNAME application. Select the appropriate application using the list box on the help viewer's toolbar. 索引和全文搜索通常只适用于当前选定%25PRODUCTNAME应用程序。使用帮助查看器工具栏上的列表框来选择适当的应用程序。
- Conclusion The appropriate application of CT and B-ultrasonotomography to the operation of PTBD can obviously not only enhance its success rate but reduce the postoperative complications as well. 结论在进行PTBD操作时,合理运用CT、B超引导能明显提高成功率、减少并发症。
- English: The index and full-text searches always apply to the currently selected %PRODUCTNAME application. Select the appropriate application using the list box on the help viewer's toolbar. 索引和全文搜索通常只适用于当前选定%25PRODUCTNAME应用程序。使用帮助查看器工具栏上的列表框来选择适当的应用程序。
- Do in a style appropriate to your own use. 按与你自己的用途相称的风格去做。
- In those situations,task-specific applications are required;they generally run on separate computers that are interconnected with the Web servers.The server passes the instructions from the user to the appropriate application. 在这些情况下,需要特定任务的应用程序,它们通常在与网站服务器相连的不同计算机上运行,服务器把用户的指令送给相应的应用程序。
- We made an application to the court for an inquiry. 我们曾请求法院调查。
- She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion. 她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。