- We have an inquiry in hand for a large quantity of bitter apricot kernel. 我方手头现有一份欲购大量苦杏仁的询价单。
- Apricot kernel oil and Amgydalin can be extracted from apricot kernel. 从杏仁中可以提取杏仁油和苦杏仁苷。
- The present price fluctuation in the world market has necessitated the adjustment of price for bitter apricot kernel. 目前世界市场的价格波动使得苦杏仁的价格必须调整。
- The present price fluctuation in the world market have necessitate the adjustment of price for bitter apricot kernel. 目前世界市场的价格波动使得苦杏仁的价格必须调整。
- The main products are walnut, walnut kernel, groundnut, red bean, apricot kernel, sesame, Chinese chestnut and so on. 主要经营地产核桃、桃仁、花生、红小豆、杏仁、芝麻、板栗等农副产品。
- The reservior space are mainly intergranular apricot kernel inner pore and dissolved pore. 储集空间类型主要有粒间孔、杏仁体内孔和溶蚀孔。
- Rinse preserved date, preserved apricot kernel, aged tangerine skin and white fungus, set aside. 把蜜枣、南、北杏、乾陈皮、雪耳洗乾净,备用。
- Natural Essential Oil Complex of Wheat Germ Oil, Aloe, Apricot Kernel Oil, Safflower Oil and Panthenol absorbs quickly to moisturize deeply. 由小麦细菌油、芦荟油、杏仁油、红花油和泛酰醇等提取的天然精华油综合体超快深层吸收水分。
- High purity amygdalin was obtained from apricot kernel by the process of enzyme destruction, defatting, solvents extraction and recrystallization. 苦杏仁经灭酶、脱脂、萃取、重结晶,制得高纯苦杏仁苷。
- Definition: Apricot Kernel is the seed of Prunus armeniaca Linne or Prunus armeniaca Linne var. ansu Maximowicz (Rosaceae). 本品为蔷薇科植物杏 Prunus armeniaca Linne 或 山杏 Prunus armeniaca Linne var.;ansu Maximowicz 的种子。
- With effective emollients Squalane, Apricot Kernel Oil, Vitamin E, and Avocado Oil, our gentle formula dissolves excess oil, dirt, and debris. 结合有效的润肤剂角,杏仁油,维生素E ,及牛油果油,我们的温柔公式溶化多余油,污垢,杂物。
- For a mirror shine! A surge of nourishing moisture,with Apricot Kernel Oil, Vitamin E and Aloe. Lips look shiny, silky-smooth, healthy and plump. 杏仁油、维生素E以及芦荟给予滋养和水润,让你的双唇晶莹、丝滑、健康和丰满。
- Apricot kernel dietary group was found an increase of SOD and HDL ch,and decrease of MDA and the ratio T ch/HDL ch, the higher the dosage of apricot kernel the better. (2)甜杏仁饮食能增加 S O D、 H D L?ch,降低 M D A 及 T?ch/ H D L?ch 比值,甜杏仁剂量越大效果越好。
- Please make us an offer CIF London for 15 m/ts Apricot Kernels. 请给我们一个十五公吨杏仁CIF伦敦价格的报盘。
- Results The bacteria-inhibiting effects of Supplemented Ephedra,Apricot Kernel,Gypsum and Licorice Dectoction (SEAGLD) was the most significant among the twelve formules. 结果12个中药复方中麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤加味方的作用最明显。
- We confirm having sold you 50 metric tons Bitter Apricot Kernels. 我们确认卖给你50公吨苦杏仁。
- Artificial cashew nut crisp cake is primary made of peanut, walnut and apricot kernel, and properly added emulsifier, soda and granulated suger, then microwave oven bake and get product. 人造腰果酥饼是以花生、核桃、杏仁为主要原料,适当添加乳化剂、泡打粉、白砂糖等辅料用微波烘烤而成。
- Abstract: The study is aimed at making oil from apricot kernel with low temperature method s, namely, Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction(AEE) and Supercritical Fluid Extraction -carbon dioxide (SFE-CO2). 摘 要: 杏仁是油脂和蛋白质含量均高的原料,该研究旨在采用低温法萃取杏仁油,达到既萃取油又减少蛋白质变性程度的目的。
- Abstract Purpose : To test the antimutagenicity and anti-tumor activity of six kinds of Chinese medicinal herbs (hairyvein agrimony , hawthorn , mushroom , apricot kernel , jujube and isatis root) . 摘要 目的: 探讨仙鹤草、山楂、香菇、杏仁、大枣、板蓝根等6 种中草药的抗突变抗肿瘤作用及其机制。
- We now offer l00 tons of bitter apricot kernels at the lowest US S 1000 per ton CIF Shanghai. 我公司现报盘一百吨苦杏仁,每吨最低一千美圆CIF(到岸价)上海。