- Meantime, Arabian civilization survived in the tough environment, and gained new development and progress. 而阿拉伯文明也在恶劣的环境中顽强地生存了下来,并且有了新的发展和进步;
- It is also the product of interplay of the Persian nationality and the Persian civilization with the Arabian civilization and Islam. 它是波斯民族及波斯文明同阿拉伯民族及伊斯兰教相互作用的产物。
- They were deeply rooted in European history, society and culture, especially in feudalism, Christianity, and the conflicts between European and Arabian civilizations. 它们深深植根于中世纪欧洲的历史、社会、文化和文学之中,特别是同欧洲封建制度、罗马天主教会以及欧洲和阿拉伯两大文明的冲突与交流密切相关。
- Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. 希腊是西方文明的发祥地。
- The path of civilization is paved with tin cans. 文明的大道,是铺满了空罐头。
- These letters revealed her wit and civilization. 这些信流露出她的教养和才华。
- Old civilization may fall into decay. 古老的文化可能会渐渐衰落下去。
- The ancient Egyptians had advanced civilization. 古埃及人曾经拥有高度文明。
- American civilization differs from ours. 美国的社会和生活方式和我们的不同。
- Ancient Greece was an advanced civilization. 古希腊是个先进的文明国家。
- The Arabian Nights' Entertainment is very interesting. 《一千零一夜》的故事非常有趣。
- Town life is the nurse of civilization. 城市生活是文明的摇篮。
- Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。
- Civil law is different to criminal law. 民法与刑法是不同的。
- Many soldiers went under in the Civil War. 许多士兵在内战中阵亡。
- Soon he saw an Arabian passing by with a camel. 不久,他遇见一位阿拉伯人牵着一头骆驼经过。
- She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service. 她希望获得一份公职。
- Arabian had conquered whole Maghreb in 702 . 公元702年阿拉伯人征服了整个马格里布。
- The Arab live on the Arabian Peninsula. 阿拉伯人居住在阿拉伯半岛上。