- Aralia armata Seem. 鹰不扑
- Aralia armata(Wall.)Seem. 鹰不扑
- Aralia armatan. 虎刺楤木
- Aralia mandshurica Rupr.et Maxim. 辽东楤木
- Aralia pseudoginseng (Wall.) Benth. ex C.B. 喜马拉雅蔘 Panax pseudoginseng Wall.
- Aralia quinquefolia (L.) Decne. & Planch. 西洋蔘(花旗蔘) Panax quinquefolius L.
- Explanation: Aralia elata grass, grass-feng neck. 释名:龙牙草、凤颈草。
- Investigation of Chinese herbal medicine from Aralia L. 楤木属中草药的整理研究。
- Aralia echinocaulis by the resource and identification study on. 方法:资源调查和鉴定。
- Aralia own first name, Tianshui growth in the forest. 乌龙头学名楤木,生长于天水林区。
- Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Aralia continentalis Kitag. 长白楤木的组织培养与植株再生。
- Conclusion Saponin of Aralia decaisneana Hance has the effect of anti-aging. 结论黄毛楤木皂苷具有延缓衰老的作用。
- Any of various plants of the genus Aralia has small umbellate flowers. 葱木属的任何一种植物花都是小型伞状花序
- Results:Aralia elata(Miq) seem liquor Could apparently prolong the above hours. 结果辽东楤木能显著地延长小鼠游泳时间、常压耐缺氧时间和脑缺血缺氧存活时间。
- Research on Chemical Ingredients of the Root from Cultivar Aralia cordata Thunb. 栽培食用土当归根的化学成分研究。
- Objective To observe the anti-aging effect of Saponin of Aralia decaisneana Hance. 目的观察黄毛楤木皂苷的抗衰老作用。
- Conclusion:Aralia elata(Miq) seem has prominent anti-response to stimulation effect. 结论辽东楤木具有突出的抗应激作用。
- OBJECTIVE To identify the best technique of extraction process of whole alkaloid from Aralia continentalis Kitagwa. 摘要目的确定长白楤木中总生物碱提取的最佳工艺。
- The effective component Aralia elata glycosides A,B,C are trisaccharide and tetrasaccharide. 龙牙葱木皂苷系从龙牙葱木根茎叶中提取的总甙,有效成分皂甙A、B、C是齐墩果酸的三糖和四糖甙。
- Objective: To study the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of total saponins from Aralia elate root bark in rats. 目的:探讨龙芽葱木皂苷的抗炎镇痛作用。方法:镇痛实验选用热板法和醋酸扭体法;