- You may have heard of Arbor Day at school. 你可能在学校里听过植树节。
- Last Arbor Day I planted two trees. 去年的植树节,我种了两棵树。
- The idea for Arbor Day came from Nebraska. 植树节根源于美国内布拉斯加州。
- T oday, March 12th, is the Arbor Day in China. 今天是3月12,中国的植树节。
- We applied the air seeding technology for this year's Arbor Day. 今年植树节前夕,我们用上了飞播造林技术。
- As years go by, Arbor Day has become of the major holidays in America. 随着时间流逝,植树节已经成为美国的主要节日之一。
- Yet it was the lack of trees there that led to the founding of Arbor Day in the1800 s. 正是因为放眼望不到一棵树,才促成了十八世纪植树节的“破土”而出。
- So Arbor Day was born on April 10th, 1872, and the first Arbor Day was celebrated. 于是第一个植树节于1872年4月10日诞生了,并举行了第一个植树节庆典。
- Children all over the world celebrate Arbor Day in a number of ways. Here are some exciting suggestions. 世界各地的儿童用各种方式庆祝植树节,来看看大家都做些什么?
- Arbor Day is one day in the year that prevents deforestation,celebrates trees and promotes planting. “植树节”是一些国家为防止森林过度开伐,激发人们爱林、造林的感情而设立的法定节日。
- Yet it was the lack of trees there that led to the founding of Arbor Day in the 1800s. 正是因为放眼望不到一棵树,才促成了十八世纪植树节的“破土”而出。
- Arbor Day programs urged children to plant a tree as a patriotic act, as a good investment for the future, and as a way to beautify the community. 在植树节这一天,学童通常都被鼓励要种植一棵树木,也当成他们爱国的表现,同时也是美化社区的方法之一。
- Arbor Day is one day in the year that prevents deforestation, celebrates trees and promotes planting. “植树节”是一些国家为防止森林过度开伐,激发人们爱林、造林的感情而设立的法定节日。
- In the years following the first Arbor Day, his idea spread to Kansas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Ohio. 一花引来万花开。莫尔顿倡导的植树节迅速传遍堪萨斯州、田纳西州、明尼苏达州和俄亥俄州。
- One Lisu in the performance of Arbor Day "on Daoshan, under the sea of fire" soul-stirring, eye-openers. 其中傈僳族在刀杆节表演的“上刀山,下火海”惊心动魄,令人叹为观止。
- The Arbor Day Foundation has information on planting and provides trees you can plant with membership. 植树节组织有更多种树的信息,只要添加会员就提供树苗。
- Many nations have Arbor Day, or Arbor Week or Arbor Month or something like those. 很多国家都有植树节,植树周或者植树月等类似的概念。
- Moulton, a famous agriculturalist, put forward to the Arbor Day, and appealed to plant trees according to the layout around the country. 1979年,中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会更进一步确定,将3月12日定为全民植树节。
- Not only China has a Tree Planting Day, according to statistics, more than 50 countries have the world's Arbor Day, but a different name for. 不光中国有植树节,据统计,世界上50多个国家都有植树节,只是叫法不同。
- Arbor Day was founded in Nebraska City, Nebraska, United States and an estimated one million trees were planted on the first Arbor Day. 第一个植树节诞生于美国的内布拉斯加州,当天,人们种植了大约一百万棵树。